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© Marko Grönroos, 1998

Hypertext objects likened to poems

po.em \'po--*m, -.em\ n [MF poeme, fr. L poema, fr. Gk poie-ma, fr. poiein]
1: a composition in verse 2: a piece of poetry communicating to the reader the sense of a complete experience 3: a creation, experience, or object likened to a poem
--- Webster's dictionary

As by this definition, a poem can be words written aesthetically or words to describe feelings. I like both definitions, but especially the latter.

This is written mostly in english language because I'm quite fond of it when it comes to writing stories and poems. It feels much more fluent for them than finnish.

This collection is currently under construction. Many of the texts that I wish to place here are quite old and I will have to spend some time to find them all. When I have time...

  • Short ones
  • To Stacy. About 90% of these are still missing. I'm desperately trying to find those ancient mail folders. I hope I haven't lost them for good.
  • In finnish

Written by others

  • Stacy Quackenbush (, and more
  • Lorretta Bratlie (

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