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IGGL1 DICT Gaeilge-English dictionary (Irish gaelic)
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Some of the accented characters are systematically wrong.
- a which, all that
- A [ah] his, her, their
- abair say
- abairt -ì sentence
- abha (abhainn) [oww-ah] river
- abhaile homewards
- àbhalmhòr enormous
- àbhar subject, material
- àbhar conspòide cause of controversy
- abhus reason, cause, material
- àbhar buartha cause for concer n: thall is abhus = here and there: abhus = here, in this place
- ach but
- ach oiread either
- ach amhàin except
- achainnì request,petition
- achar distance, period of time: gan mòràn achair = before long: achar gearr = a short time
- achrann (a) fight, dispute, conflict: achrann mìleata = military dispute <euphemism for act of: war> = : achrainn idirnàsiùnta = international disputes
- acht act <law enacted>: a achtaìodh = which was enacted
- acmhainnì resources
- Acu at them
- acra [-ì] acre
- adeir according to
- àdh luck: àdh mòr = good luck/good-bye
- adhmad wood
- admhàil I admit: nìor admhaigh siad = they didn't admit
- aduaidh north, from the north
- aer air
- Aerfort [ayr-fort] Airport
- aéròg [air-owg] aerial
- aer phost [ayr fust] airmail
- àfach however
- ag prefix for english -ing: tà . . . ag = have ...
- ag [egg] at, to
- Agaibh at you
- Againn at us
- agallamh interview: ina agallamh le ANOIS = in his interview with ANOIS (an Irish newspaper)
- agam "at-me"
- Agat at you
- aghaidh face,front: ar aghaidh = in front of, facing: in aghaidh = against: le haghaidh = for (the purpose of)
- agòid protest
- agus [aw-gus] and
- aibì ripe, smart
- aibìocht ripeness, smartness
- Aibreàn, Aibreàin April
- aice: in aice near, beside
- Aici at her
- aicmeach class: cogadh aicmeach = class war
- aidhm(eanna) aim(s), objective(s): aidhm fhadtéarmach = long-term aim
- aiféal regret
- Aifreann [af-rinn] mass
- Aige at him: a bhéas aige = that he will have
- aighneas dispute
- aigne mind
- àil: is àil liom I wish
- aill cliff, big rock
- àille morémost beautiful
- aimhleas mischief, disadvantage, doubt, suspicion
- aimsir [am-shir] weather, time
- aingeal angel: gan ainéisteiseach = without anaesthetic
- ainm [ann-um] name: ainm na héireann = the name of Ireland: ainmneacha = names: ainmneacha na ndaoine = the names of the people
- ainmhì (an) animal: ainmhithe = animals
- ainmnithe named, appointed
- ainneoin in spite of, dispite
- àintìn aunt
- air on it, on him
- aird heed, notice
- airde height, tallness: in airde = up, high <as in 'five ft high'>
- aire [ahra] Caution, Danger, care
- aireamh I count, reckon
- àireamhàn Calculator
- airgead [ah-rah-gid] money: breis airgid = more money, additional finance: an t-airgead seo = this money
- airgeadàioch fiscal
- airigh (aireachtàil) feel, hear
- airìm hear
- àirithe special, certain, particular: go hàirithe = particularly,: especially = ais:: le hais = beside, compared with: lena ais = beside him: ar ais = back: ag iompù ar ais = turning back: ar ais go héirinn = back to Ireland
- àis convenience, benefit
- aisce free, gratis
- Aisiontacht Agency
- aisteach peculiar, strange, queer
- aisteoir (ì) actor
- aistrigh translate
- aistritheoir(ì) translator(s)
- aistriù translating,: translation = : aistriùchàn = (a) translation: X a aistriù = to translate X
- àit [aw-teh] place: in àit = in place of, instead of
- aitheantas recognition
- aithne acquaintance, knowing (of person): cur in aithne do = introduce
- aithne commandment
- aithnigh (aithneachtàil) recognize
- aithnìm I recognize: go n-aithnìonn X = that X recognises
- aithrist imitation, mimicry
- aithritheoir(i) resident(s)
- àitiùl local (singular adj.): àitiùla = local (plural adj.)
- àl clutch, litter
- àlainn: go h-àlainn [guh hawl-inn] beautiful
- Alàraim Alarm
- Alba (Albain) Scotland
- allas sweat: cur allais = sweating
- alt article in magazine, in newspaper
- altòir (acha) altar(s)
- am [om] time: amanna = sometimes: cén t-am é = what time is it: in am = in time
- amach [aw-mack] Out/Exit, out(wards): amach anseo = in the future, in a while: as seo amach = from this time on, this day forward: ligithe amach = released, let out
- amacn is 'a extremely
- amadàn fool: a amadàin = you fool
- amàireach tomorrow
- amanathar the day after tomorrow
- ambassadòir(ì) ambassador(s)
- amhàin only, one, exclusively: ach amahàin = except: nì hamhàin = not only
- amharc sight
- amharclann [ow-arc-lunn] theatre
- amhdaigh (amhdachtàil) admit, thus, so, how: gur amhlaidh = apparently
- amhràn (àin) song(s)
- amhrànaì (aithe) [ow-ran-ee] singer
- amhrànaìocht singing
- Amhràn na bhFiann [ow-rawn na veen] the Soldiers' Song
- amhras doubt, suspicion: nìl aon amhras = there is no doubt
- amhrasach doubtful
- amplùch greedy
- amù astray, wasted
- amuigh outside, out, without
- an the(singular)
- an per/each: punt an duine = a pound per person
- an (with verbs)question
- an- intensive prefix - very, excellent
- anachain misfortune
- anall hither, from over there, from beyond
- anam soul
- andùil craving, inordinate desire
- aneas south, from the south
- aniar from the west, from behind: aniar sa leaba = up in the bed
- anìos up from below
- anlann sauce
- ann "in it", there, in existence: in ann = able (can)
- annamh rare
- annraith [on-ree] soup
- annamh seldom
- anocht tonight
- anòir from the east
- anois now: anois beag = just now
- anonn over, across
- anraith soup
- anrò hardship
- ansan there, then
- anseo here
- ansin theréthen
- ansiùd there (implying: distance) =
- anuas down from above: le seachtain etc. anuas = for the last week etc.
- anuraidh last year
- aoibhinn pleasant
- an Aoine Friday
- aoirde height
- aois (eanna) age, century: aois scortha = quitting age
- aon onéany: a haon [a hayn] =(number)one: gach aon = each of, every
- aonach fair
- aonar solitude, singleness: duine aonair = a solitary person
- aontacht pholatìochta political union
- aontacht pholatiùil political union
- aontacht ùr new union <political>
- aontas agreement (unity)
- Aontas Sòivéadach Soviet Union
- Aontas na Sòivéide the Soviet Union
- aontù (aontaigh) to agree: aontù eatarthu féin = to agree amongst: themselves = : aontù faoi(n) = agree about (the): aontù na Gearmàine = the unification of: Germany = anonù: a h-aon déag [a hane-jayg] =eleven
- aos age
- aosta old
- àr [orr] Our: àr dtithe [orr di-heh] =Our houses.: àr n-ainmneacha ["nanim-nocha] =Our names.
- ar [err] on,upon: ar an àbhar sin = for that reason, because of that: ar an sò = in comfort: ar chuma éigin = somehow: ar dtùs = in the beginning, at first
- ar, arsa said: ar seisean = he said, said he
- ara interjection (expressing offhadedness, dismissal)
- àrachas insurance
- Araib Shadach Saudi Arabia
- Araibis Arabic
- àrainn Aran
- aràn [uur-awn] bread: aràn donn [urr-awn done] =brown bread: aràn pràtaì [urr-awn praw-tee] =potato bread: aràn tòsta = toast
- àrannach Aran islander
- àrasàn flat, apartment: àrasàin = apartments: àrasàin stàit = state-owned apartments
- arbhar corn
- ard high, tall
- Ardàn [ord-awn] Platform, high ground
- Ard-Oifig an Phoist [awrd iffig in fwisht] General Post Office
- ardù (ardaigh) raise, rise, grow, higher,: increase = : a n-ardù = being raised(plural)
- aréir last night
- ar fad all
- ariamh ever, never
- arìst again
- argòint(ì) argument(s), disagreement(s)
- arm [orm] army, weapon
- àrsa ancient arù: arù amàireach = the day after tomorrow: arù anuraidh = the year before last: arù inné = the day before: yesterday =
- as [aws] from, out of: as seo amach = from this time on, this day forward: amach as = out of
- asal donkey
- atà that is, that are
- athair father
- athaontù reunification: athaontù na Gearmàine = the reunification of: Germany = : athaontù na héireann = the reunification of: Ireland =
- àthas joy
- Athbhliain faoi mhaise! Happy New Year!
- Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise! A happy and prosperous New: Year! =
- athbhreoslù refuelling
- athghabhàil reconquest
- athraìm I change
- athrù (athraigh) change, alteration
- athruithe changes <note: no fada>: an t-athrù = the change
- Atlantach Atlantic
- atùrnae attorney
- ba past tense of is: ba chòir dòibh = they should <ought to>: ba cheart dòibh = they should <ought to>
- babhal bowl
- Babog baby
- bac (bacadh) bother, prevent
- bacach lame
- bacaìl lameness
- bacaim: nà bac é don't heed him: nà bac leis = have nothing to do with him
- bàd (bàid) [bawd] boat: an bàd = the boat: na bàid = the boats: na bàid seo = these boats <adding 'seo' turns 'the' into: 'these'> =
- bàdoìr boatman
- bàdòireacht boating
- baghcat boycott
- bagùn [bog-oon] bacon: ag bagairt ar X = threatening X
- Bagàiste [bog-aw-sthe] Baggage
- bàigh drown
- bail prosperity, blessing: bail ò Dhia ar = a blessing from God on
- baile [boll-yah] home, village: as an mbaile = from home: sa baile = at home: chun an bhaile = homewards: baile mòr = town: Baile àtha Cliath = Dublin: baile fearainn = townland
- baileach exactly, quite
- bailigh (bailiù) collect
- bailìm I gather, collect: bailiù leis = clearing off
- bàille bailiff
- bain take (with effort), extract, reap: bain triail as = try it, give it a try
- baineacht whiteness
- bainim I cut ( turf): bainim as = I get from: bainim de = I take away from
- bainis wedding feast
- bainisteoir manager: Bainisteoir Pearsanra = Personnel Manager
- bainne milk: bainne te = warm milk
- bainrìon (-acha) queen
- baint taking, extracting, reaping: taitneamh a bhaint as = to enjoy: baint as = teasing: baint de = taking off: baint amach = reaching, achieving: baintear leas as X = X is (are) used: a bhain amach = reach: bainte amach = reached: tà baint agam le = I am connected with
- baintreach widow
- bairille barrel
- bàisìn basin
- bàisteach (bàistì) rain raining
- Baisteach (a) Baptist
- Baistigh Baptists
- baladh smell
- ball: ar ball in a while, a while ago
- ball member, piece (of furniture or clothing), instument, place
- balla wall
- ballach, rock bream
- ballraìocht membership
- Bàn [bawn] White
- bàn untilled land
- banaltra nurse
- banana banana
- banbh piglet
- banc [bonk] bank
- bàndearg pink
- bànghlas pale green