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©Marko Grönroos, 1998

USENET News sfnet.keskustelu.evoluutio

Säie: Jonathan Wells on Report Radio (Oct. 5)

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Newsgroups: sfnet.keskustelu.evoluutio,
Subject: Re: Jonathan Wells on Report Radio (Oct. 5)
From: magi AT iki PISTE fi (Marko Grönroos)
Date: 06 Oct 2000 20:15:25 +0300

jarofclay AT writes:
> > INTRODUCTION to ICONS of EVOLUTION: Science or Myth? Why
> > by Jonathan Wells
> In his new book Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells looks at
> the ten major "proofs" for the theory of evolution and one
> by one, shows how each of them is a scientific fraud.
> Despite the knowledge that the "proofs" are manufactured,
> they continue to show up in school textbooks to prove the
> theory of evolution. So what's going on in our schools?

One of Wells's ten critiques concerns peppered moths. For some
comments about his claims, see:

The commentaries illuminate several serious mistakes made by Dr. Wells
in his analyses. In practice, that Wells hasn't really understood the
topic, and hasn't even read carefully a book on moths that is central
in his analysis.

I'm not aware of commentaries about his other claims, although I
haven't tried to look for them either.

PS. These sfnet.keskustelu.evoluutio and groups are primarily
Finnish. Please post to if you want to discuss the matter
in English.

-- Marko Grönroos, magi AT iki PISTE fi (
-- Paradoxes are the source of truth and the end of wisdom

Edellinen säie: Eläinten pelko
Seuraava säie: WT
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