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©Marko Grönroos, 1998


Säie: GA and Neural Networks

Edellinen säie: NN evolving techniques
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From: magi AT iki PISTE fi (Marko Grönroos)
Subject: Re: GA and Neural Networks
Date: 15 Apr 1999 21:24:42 +0200

Lionel Barnett <lionelb AT cogs PISTE susx PISTE ac PISTE uk> writes:
> In the case of backprop at least, convergence to an optimal solution is
> notoriously slow. It is conceivable that a GA (or other search
> algorithm) could find a good solution faster, given limited time
> resources.

Some backprop variants, such as quickprop or RProp (resilient
backprop), are much faster than the original "vanilla" backprop.
      What comes to GAs vs. backprop, I think even ordinary backprop is
much faster than a GA, because bp can find the direction of the
optimum just by directly calculating it from the derivative of the
error surface, while GA has to "try" the surface indirectly by
generating a population of instances randomly. Certainly GA is in this
case less likely to get stuck in a local minimum, but some backprop
variants have some techniques (such as momentum) to prevent that.
      Quickprop makes estimates about how far the optimum is from the
current point by using second-order derivatives and assuming that the
error surface is somewhat quadratic. Certainly a GA could also do such
analysis of the surface to calculate the optimal mutation rate, but
that would again make it a specialized ad hoc algorithm.
      Thus, as usual, specialized algorithms perform better than more
generic ones.

> Beyond backprop, and in particular for recurrent networks
> there are generally no known learning algorithms, slow or otherwise.
> GA's may work well; the beauty of GA's is that they don't necessarily
> have to be "closely tied" to the structure of the problem at hand...

I think some people have used backprop with recurrent nets too, but
I'm not certain.
      I would think that it is trivial to transform ("unloop") any
recurrent ANN that runs for a certain number of iterations to a chain
of feedforward ANNs, which you can then train with backprop.
      But you don't have to do the "unlooping", but just first iterate the
recurrent net forward, then calculate the error at some iteration, and
then propagate the signal back, but again recurrently.
      I've also thought of some nice variants of this technique, but I'll
leave them for some other time.

But yeh, I too find GAs (EAs) very interesting approaches to certain
recurrent ANN training problems.

-- Marko Grönroos, magi AT iki PISTE fi (
-- Paradoxes are the source of truth and the end of wisdom

Edellinen säie: NN evolving techniques
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