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BitIntGene Member List

This is the complete list of members for BitIntGene, including all inherited members.
addPrivateGenes(Gentainer &g, const StringMap &params)Gene [inline, virtual]
Genstruct::addPrivateGenes(Gentainer &g)Genstruct [inline, virtual]
AnyIntGene()AnyIntGene [inline]
AnyIntGene(const GeneticID &id, int min, int max, double m=1.0)AnyIntGene
AnyIntGene(const AnyIntGene &o) (defined in AnyIntGene)AnyIntGene [inline]
BitIntGene()BitIntGene [inline]
BitIntGene(const GeneticID &id, int min, int max, int bits, const StringMap &params, double m=1.0)BitIntGene
BitIntGene(const BitIntGene &o) (defined in BitIntGene)BitIntGene [inline]
calc_len() constBitIntGene [inline, protected, virtual]
check() constBitIntGene [virtual]
copy(const Genstruct &other)BitIntGene [virtual]
copyGenstr(const Genstruct &other)Genstruct [inline, protected]
equality(const Genstruct &o) constBitIntGene [inline, virtual]
execute(const GeneticMsg &msg) constGenstruct [inline, virtual]
Gene()Gene [inline]
Gene(const GeneticID &n, double mut=1) (defined in Gene)Gene
Gene(const Gene &o) (defined in Gene)Gene [inline]
Genstruct(const GeneticID &name=NULL)Genstruct
Genstruct(const Genstruct &other) (defined in Genstruct)Genstruct
getGene(const GeneticID &nam) constGene [inline, virtual]
getID() constGenstruct [inline]
getMutability() constGene [inline]
getvalue() constBitIntGene [virtual]
hide(bool h=true)Genstruct [inline]
idGenstruct [protected]
init()BitIntGene [inline, virtual]
isHidden() constGenstruct [inline]
length() constGenstruct
mBitCountBitIntGene [protected]
mBitsBitIntGene [protected]
mGrayCodedBitIntGene [protected]
mMaxAnyIntGene [protected]
mMinAnyIntGene [protected]
mutabilityGene [protected]
operator>>(DataOStream &out) constGenstruct [virtual]
operator[](const GeneticID &name) constGenstruct [inline]
operator[](const GeneticID &name)Genstruct [inline]
pointMutate(const MutationRate &k)BitIntGene [inline, virtual]
print(TextOStream &out) constBitIntGene [virtual]
recombine(const Genstruct &a, const Genstruct &b)BitIntGene [virtual]
replicate() constBitIntGene [inline, virtual]
setGrayCoding(bool gray=true)BitIntGene [inline]
setMutability(double val)Gene [inline]
shallowCopy(const AnyIntGene &o) (defined in AnyIntGene)AnyIntGene [protected]
shallowCopy(const Gene &o) (defined in Gene)Gene [inline, protected]

Generated on Thu Feb 10 20:12:01 2005 for NeHeP by doxygen1.2.18