This note gives advice to sites who wish to participate in the Directory Pilot about: o What to put in their bid o What the onus is on a participating site Content of bid for hardware to run Directory Service software This section gives guidance as to a suitable form of bid. - A bid should be service oriented. - A bid should show how the service provider was liaising with the institution's administrative departments. - A bid should discuss the steps taken to get a basic system going. - A bid should discuss what the site was proposing to do to get the system out to users. - A bid should discuss data gathering and ongoing data maintenance arrangements. Submit bids to Bids should be submitted to Jim Craigie of the JNT. Onus on participating sites There is an onus on participating sites to report their experiences to the group. The reporting to the group is tied in with the cycle of Directory Group meetings. Reporting requirements are as follows: - Each site should circulate by electronic mail a plain text copy of their report to the Directory Group. - Pretty printed reports should be given to the JNT for circulation. - Participating sites were expected to attend the meet- ings The reports should contain at least the following: - List of what failed, smattering of what worked. (The exact nature of this would obviously change as the pro- ject evolved.) - Data acquisition - Data maintenance and management It was important that the reports delineated clearly between system and data aspects. In the short term at least, there would be no common format of report - this might be pro- crustean with regard to the richness of sites' experience!