Johannine Hours - Isaiah 58,6-11 - May 1995 Untying the cords of the yoke, refusing all forms of violence... There can be a suppressed violence which takes root, very often without my knowing it, in the wounds I bear within myself. It is like a tourniquet which presses upon the heart and which distorts my relationships with others. Refusing violence means placing trust at the beginning of every meeting. Feeding, clothing, giving shelter means to satisfy the needs and elementary rights of a human being. But it also implies caring for, educating, listening to, giving an occupation to... in other words recognising and developing all that is human in the other because he or she is of my "own flesh". It means as well: making life possible, alleviating suffering, restoring beauty and meaning to life. "Do not turn away from your own flesh and blood", love others as you love yourself. The prophet Isaiah notes that it is this which allows my own wound to heal and for all that is in me to radiate. What seemed to be an ethical demand is in the first place something which allows me to become more fully human! This then prepares a way for God's glory and the light of the resurrection which is an attentiveness to all that concerns the human being and the human creative capacity to serve. God trusts to the human heart as a way of making himself known. How can my life become a light and wellspring, a marker to help others find their way. How can I bring to light the gifts and capacities of others? How has some meeting or some involvement for others transfigured, healed or revealed a new dimension in my life? [send a mail to with a line in the message body GET TAIZE-L INFO for more information about the Johannine Hours and the Taize Community.] ------------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/taize/johannine: jh-9505.txt .