Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 20:22:58 -0400 From: Darrell Todd Maurina Organization: Christian Renewal/United Reformed News Service Subject: NR 98057: Synod Rejects Opposite Overtures on Women's Ordination NR #1998-057: Synod Rejects Opposite Overtures on Women's Ordination On its second full day of business, Synod 1998 of the Christian Reformed Church rejected two opposite overtures on the ordination of women. Classis Lake Erie asked synod to amend the 1995 synodical decision allowing women's ordination on the classical but not denominational level by allowing denominational agencies to hire women pastors if the classis in which they would labor approves; Calvin CRC of Rock Valley, Iowa, asked synod to settle the issue of women in office this year rather than at Synod 2000, and to settle it by rejecting the ordination of women. Synod cited identical grounds for rejection, asking both Classis Lake Erie and Calvin CRC to "wait patiently until the year 2000 when the review is scheduled to take place" on the grounds that "Synod 1995 has clearly stated that the decision would be reviewed in the year 2000" and that "the agreed upon time frame will allow" each body "to voice its concerns at that time." NR #1998-057: For Immediate Release: Synod Rejects Opposite Overtures on Women's Ordination by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (June 16, 1998) URNS - On its second full day of business, Synod 1998 of the Christian Reformed Church rejected two opposite overtures on the ordination of women. Classis Lake Erie asked synod to amend the 1995 synodical decision allowing women's ordination on the classical but not denominational level by allowing denominational agencies to hire women pastors if the classis in which they would labor approves; Calvin CRC of Rock Valley, Iowa, asked synod to settle the issue of women in office this year rather than at Synod 2000, and to settle it by rejecting the ordination of women. Synod cited identical grounds for rejection, asking both Classis Lake Erie and Calvin CRC to "wait patiently until the year 2000 when the review is scheduled to take place" on the grounds that "Synod 1995 has clearly stated that the decision would be reviewed in the year 2000" and that "the agreed upon time frame will allow" each body "to voice its concerns at that time." Synodical vice-president Rev. Jack Vos reminded delegates that even though synod wasn't inclined to review the 1995 decision this year, it would have to do so in the year 2000. "I wonder if the synod would feel comfortable if the officers would consult with the Board of Trustees and report back at a later time during this synod," said Vos. After discussion, synod voted to adopt Vos' suggestion, and later this week will hear a report on how synod should handle the necessary review of the 1995 decision. The rejection of both overtures didn't strike Rev. Paul Bakker of West Park CRC in Cleveland as evenhanded or fair. "Maybe we should write in here that we shoud ask our sisters to wait the year 2000," said Bakker. "We can call a woman minister to an established church, we csnnot call a woman minister to a home missions church. We in Classis Lake Erie think that's a little silly." Rev. David Koll of Anaheim (CA) CRC put delegates on notice that rejection of Classis Lake Erie's overture wouldn't necessarily mean rejection of an upcoming overture from Classis Grand Rapids East asking Synod 1998 to approve an exception to ordain Lieutenant In-Soon Gho. Gho, a chaplain candidate in the United States military and 1998 graduate of Calvin Seminary, is a female member of Eastern Avenue CRC. According to US military procedures, Gho cannot become a military chaplain without endorsement by an approved endorsing agency, but the 1995 synodical decision declared that no denominational agency, including CRC Chaplaincy Ministries, may "appoint women ministers of the Word to any field of labor within their jurisdication, nor seek to have them installed by a church." "I propose to vote in favor of this, but I have to prepare myself to vote in favor of an exception to this policy later on," said Koll. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1998-033: Three Reformed Denominations to Hold General Assemblies or Synods this Year in West Michigan Contact List: Rev. Mary Antonides, Pastor, Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church 331 Rosemary SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 O: (616) 454-4888 * H: (616) 248-8357 * FAX: (616) 456-9658 * E-Mail: Rev. Paul Ed. Bakker, Pastor, West Park Christian Reformed Church 3606 West 148th St., Cleveland, OH 44111 O: (216) 251-0782 * H: (216) 252-2261 Rev. David Koll, Pastor, Anaheim Christian Reformed Church 526 N. Dale Ave., Anaheim, CA 92801 O: (714) 828-4083 * H: (714) 828-2084 * FAX: (714) 828-0825 Dr. Philip R. Lucasse, Stated Clerk, Classis Grand Rapids East 3096 Old Kent Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 O: (616) 957-6000 * H: (616) 942-1219 * FAX: (616) 942-7978 * E-Mail: Pastor George Vander Weit, Stated Clerk, Classis Lake Erie 2901 Waterloo Dr., Troy, MI 48084 O: (810) 645-1990 * H: (810) 649-5388 * E-Mail: ---------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive98: nr98-057.txt .