_________________________________________________________________ United Reformed News Service Directory Contents (formerly Reformed Believers' Press Service) _________________________________________________________________ News Releases from United Reformed News Service: (1999) nr99-002.txt .... 1999:Jan.18 Snow Scuttles Services at All Midwestern URC and ARC Churches, But No Property Damage or Serious Injuries nr99-003.txt .... 1999:Jan.18 Weather Forces Demolition of Landmark Grand Rapids Church; Church Once Pastored by Louis Berkhof Faces Wrecking Ball nr99-004.txt .... 1999:Jan.19 Classis Central United States Cancels Meeting, May Hold Special Session to Admit New Wisconsin Church nr99-007.txt .... 1999:Jan.20 Classis Zeeland Rejects Denomination-Wide Women's Ordination by 86% Majority nr99-008.txt .... 1999:Feb.06 Classis GR East to Consider Ministry Share Relief for Historic Church with Collapsed Sanctuary nr99-009.txt .... 1999:Jan.21 CRC's Classis Holland Votes to Accept Indiana Church with Women Elders from Classis Kalamazoo nr99-011.txt .... 1999:Jan.26 Christian Reformed Church's Classis Kalamazoo to Debate Ordaining Women; May Lose Congregation with Women Elders to Classis Holland nr99-012.txt .... 1999:Jan.26 Christian Reformed Classis Kalamazoo Allows Women's Ordination, but Still Loses South Bend CRC to Classis Holland nr99-013.txt .... 1999:Feb.10 United Reformed Church Order Raises Questions in Classis Eastern United States; May Delay Application for Membership nr99-014.txt .... 1999:Feb.11 Classis Eastern United States Asked to Seek Improvements in URC Pension, Insurance, Church Work, Ecumenical Matters nr99-015.txt .... 1999:Feb.11 URC's Classis Southwest United States Asked to Endorse Godfrey Proposal for Interdenominational Reformed Synod nr99-016.txt .... 1999:Feb.11 Westminster Academic Dean Joins United Reformed Churches nr99-017.txt .... 1999:Feb.11 Classis Southwest United States Continues Growth, Seeks to Create Classical Church Reception Procedure nr99-018a.txt ... 1999:Feb.12 Reformed Professors Join Nationally-Circulated Declaration Against Clinton's Use of Religion in Impeachment Controversy nr99-019.txt .... 1999:Feb.20 Westminster Academic Dean Joins United Reformed Churches nr99-020.txt .... 1999:Feb.22 URC Classis Western Canada Asked Whether Mid-America Reformed Seminary is in Danger of Losing Dutch Reformed Heritage by Admitting Too Many Presbyterians nr99-021.txt .... 1999:Feb.23 Two Merger Proposals with Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches Arrive at United Reformed Classis Western Canada nr99-022.txt .... 1999:Feb.23 Other Western Canada United Reformed Overtures Focus on Liturgy, Charitable Tax Status, Missions Rules, Classical Structure, South African Missionary to Canada nr99-023.txt .... 1999:Feb.25 Christian Reformed Decline Nears 41,000 Members: 12.9% of Denominational Membership Lost Since 1991 Peak nr99-023a.txt .... 1999:Feb.25 Addendum -- CRC Membership Graph 1965-1998 nr99-024.txt .... 1999:Mar.02 Homosexuality Conference at Christian Reformed Church Leads to Calls for Discipline in Classis Chicago South nr99-025.txt .... 1999:Mar.06 Classis Chicago South Criticizes Hope Church's Homosexuality Conference but Won't Require Pastors to Explain Views nr99-035.txt .... 1999:Apr.10 Synod Convenes for Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland - Vrijgemaakte: Again, No Elders Among Synod Officers nr99-036.txt .... 1999:Apr.26 GKN - Vrijgemaakte Synod Questions TV Evangelism nr99-037.txt .... 1999:Apr.26 GKN-v General Synod Sends Ceaseless Complainants a Note to Cease and Desist nr99-038.txt .... 1999:Apr.26 GKN-v General Synod Briefly Debates Calls for New Confession of Faith, Return to Fidelity to Canons of Dordt nr99-040.txt .... 1999:May 03 Reformed Church in America Regional Synod to Deal Again with Van Hoeven, Salvation Through Christ Alone nr99-041.txt .... 1999:May 03 Great Lakes Regional Synod Reverses Classis Verdict Against Controversial RCA Pastor Dr. Donald Van Hoeven nr99-042.txt .... 1999:May 01 Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland Conservatives Disappointed by Synodical Delegate Selections nr99-043.txt .... 1999:May 06 Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland Membership Drops Below 700,000 for First Time Since 1954; Membership Loss Now 20.8% Since 1971 Peak of 870,349 nr99-044.txt .... 1999:Jun.02 Mid-America Student Fails URC Exam; Kloosterman Urges Different Procedure for Examining Students nr99-045.txt .... 1999:May 01 Classis Central US Votes for Open Agendas and Minutes nr99-065.txt .... 1999:Jun.10 Protestant Reformed Synod Convenes in Holland nr99-066.txt .... 1999:Jun.09 Protestant Reformed Synod Approves Closer Contact with United Reformed Churches nr99-067.txt .... 1999:Jun.09 Protestant Reformed Synod Contact with Orthodox Presbyterian Church Leads to More Questions than Answers nr99-067c.txt ... 1999:Jun.11 Correction to nr99-067.txt nr99-068.txt .... 1999:Jun.09 Internet Reports About Hungarian Reformed Church Lead to Concerns at Protestant Reformed Synod nr99-069.txt .... 1999:Jun.09 Protestant Reformed Debate Interchurch Relations Policy nr99-070.txt .... 1999:Jun.10 Protestant Reformed Declare Candidate for PR Ministry nr99-080.txt .... 1999:Jun.13 Christian Reformed Synod Convenes for First-Ever Assembly in Canada; Elects Wayne Brouwer as President nr99-081.txt .... 1999:Jun.15 Christian Reformed Synod Rules First Toronto CRC Homosexuality Overture Out of Order nr99-082.txt .... 1999:Jun.15 Swagman Situation Leads to Synodical Fight Over Authority of Synodical Board of Trustees to Eliminate Agency Staff Posts nr99-095.txt .... 1999:Jun.17 Christian Reformed Church Calls Congregations to Repent of Lack of Ministry to Homosexual Members ----------------------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed/archive99: 00contents.reformed99.txt (rev. 99-0624) .