January 6, 1995 The following information has been provided by Toby Trudel, Editor of Morning Star Magazine. ICLnet archives Morning Star magazine for both MSDOS and Macintosh platforms at the following directories: /pub/resources/software/mac/Morning.Star /pub/resources/software/msdos/Morning.Star ICLnet _________________________________________________ - Subject: God is good God is good and does everything in His own time ... I'm pleased to announce that MORNING STAR is now going to be available on audio-tape as part of the international lending-library of Christian Tapes for the Disabled, PO Box 455, Buffalo NY. 14209. (716) 885-0307 Shirley Zannin joins us as Editor of our new "Audio version." They will be using our bi-monthly hard copy as their text. Now this really made my day! Toby :) ---------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/anounce: mstar.on.tape.txt