---------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Wed., Aug. 30, 1995 ---------------- READ: Psalm 119:89-96 TRUTH THAT ENDURES "The Scripture cannot be broken." -- John 10:35 Is the Bible grossly outdated? Must it "be rewritten to be of value today?" That's the opinion of a Texas businessman who has donated $1.5 million to Oregon State University. The man, an alumnus of the school, gave the money to further the work of Marcus Borg, a professor who contends that most of the words attributed to Jesus in the Gospels were not spoken by our Lord. Although it is sad that so much money is being devoted to such a cause, we need not be unduly alarmed. The Bible has been attacked throughout the centuries. And many powerful people have dedicated their enormous resources to wiping out our faith. All such efforts have failed, however. The teachings of Scripture, including the priceless words of Jesus, are indestructible, timeless, and transcultural, giving needed guidance to all peoples in all centuries. Scripture doesn't need to be rewritten. It needs only to be gratefully embraced as God's age-abiding truth and then obediently put into practice. -- Vernon C. Grounds We search the world for truth; We cull the good, the pure, the beautiful, From graven stone and written scroll, From all old flower-fields of the soul; And weary seekers of the best, We come back laden from our quest To find that all the sages said Is in the Book our mothers read. -- Whittier ----------------------------------------- THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ----------------------------------------- The Bible may be old but its truths are always new. ----------------------------------------- THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 40-42 ============================================================= Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1995, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. ODB files are being archived at ICLnet by arrangement with Radio Bible Class. RBC is presently developing its own servers and we look forward to RBC's official presence here on the internet in the near future. Written permission to distribute must be obtained from Radio Bible Class. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and Friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221. Thanks to Ken Foster for establishing the email list from which this copy of Our Daily Bread originated. A subscription is also available from the "ODB List". RBC publications are also available at The Gospel Communica- tions Network: http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/odb/. - ICLnet ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db950830.txt .