--------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Tuesday, July 11, 1995 --------------- READ: Ephesians 6:5-9 THE REAL WORLD "Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them." - Matthew 7:12 The owner of a company was talking with one of his managers about an employee who was stealing from the firm. The owner, who was a follower of Christ, asked, "What do you think we should do about him?" "Give him the ax!" replied the manager. "Suppose he admits his wrong-doing and agrees to pay for what he's stolen," said the owner, "Why not let him keep his job" Isn't that how you would want to be treated?" "Well, yeah," said the manager, "but that's not the real world." Jesus calls us to follow the rules of HIS world, which IS the real world. His rules demand our integrity, responsibility, and accountability. When they are practiced, employees become more dependable and fulfilled. And employers make their workers' welfare as important as making a profit. The result? More people stay off welfare rolls and out of unemployment lines. Paul had some advice for workers and employers. He urged workers to carry out their duties "as bondservants of Christ,...as to the Lord, and not to men" (Eph. 6:6-7). And he instructed masters not to threaten their servants, reminding them that their Master shows no partiality (v. 9). What about us? Are we living in the real world by the rules Jesus gave us? -- Dennis J. De Haan THINKING IT THROUGH What principle does the golden rule (Mt. 7:12) give us for serving others? How does it apply in the workplace? ------------------------------------------- THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ------------------------------------------- The reward for honest labor is always greater than the wages received. ------------------------------------------- THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 148-150 ============================================================= Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1995, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. ODB files are being archived at ICLnet by arrangement with Radio Bible Class. RBC is presently developing its own servers and we look forward to RBC's official presence here on the internet in the near future. Written permission to distribute must be obtained from Radio Bible Class. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and Friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221. Thanks to Ken Foster for establishing the email list from which this copy of Our Daily Bread originated. A subscription is also available from the "ODB List" which may be subscribed to directly. Send a blank email message, with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line, to: odb-request@sptekwv14.wv.tek.com. RBC publications are also available at The Gospel Communica- tions Network: http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/odb/. - ICLnet ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db950711.txt .