OUR DAILY BREAD Monday, June 19, 1995 --------------- READ: Psalm 78:1-8 TELL THE CHILDREN "We will (tell) to the generation to come the praises of the Lord." -- Psalms 78:4 Imagine an evening in ancient Israel. The day's work is done, the meal is finished, and the family is gathered around a small fire that pushes away the night chill and casts a soft glow on their faces. It's story time. Father and grandfather take turns relating to the children the "praises of the Lord" (Ps. 78:4). They tell of Abraham's journey. They speak of Isaac. Their voices come alive when they tell about old Jacob. They remember Moses and Joshua and Elijah and the great King David. They recount the history of their own family. And all the time they focus their attention on the mighty works of God in behalf of His people. That's the way Jewish men fulfilled their responsi- bility to tell the next generation about the Lord. They had been told by their parents, who had been told by their parents. Our children need to know about God. They need to learn from us about His love, His faithfulness, and His grace. They need to hear from us about the times He stepped into our lives to protect and provide. So gather up your sons and daughters and grand- children. Relate to them how God has worked in your life. Fulfill your responsibility, and tell the children. -- David C. Egner ACTION SUGGESTIONS Take time today to tell your children or grandchildren how you came to know Christ as your personal Savior. Tell them how God has answered a specific prayer. ------------------------------------- THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ------------------------------------- A godly parent is a child's best guide to God. ------------------------------------- THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 76-78 ============================================================= Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1995, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. ODB files are being archived at ICLnet by arrangement with Radio Bible Class. RBC is presently developing its own servers and we look forward to RBC's official presence here on the internet in the near future. Written permission to distribute must be obtained from Radio Bible Class. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and Friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221. Thanks to Ken Foster for establishing the email list from which this copy of Our Daily Bread originated. A subscription is also available from the "ODB List" which may be subscribed to directly. Send a blank email message, with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line, to: odb-request@sptekwv14.wv.tek.com. RBC publications are also available at The Gospel Communica- tions Network: http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/odb/. - ICLnet ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db950619.txt .