file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db941007.txt ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Friday, October 7,1994 ----------------- READ: 1 Timothy 1:12-19 THE "PISTOL" AND THE LORD I have no greater job than to hear that my children walk in truth. - 3 John 4 When it's my turn to pack school lunches, I write my kids' names on the bags. But on two of the lunches, I've been in- structed to write "Pistol Pete." That's because Julie and Steven have become enamored with the memory of Pete Mara- vich, one of the greatest basketball players of all time. And I'm responsible for this because I've told them about the Pistol since they were little. They've watched his in- structional videos, read his biography, and viewed his life story. So they both are Pistol Pete "wannabes." That's okay with me. Children need good role models and ex- amples. And Maravich was a Christian. But I would be disappointed if my children didn't see Jesus Christ modeled in my life also and want to be like Him. That's why when Stevie tells me that Jesus is his best friend, I'm a happy dad. As parents, we must tell our children about Jesus and be role models who live for Christ. That was the case with Paul, who counted Timothy as his son in the Spirit (1 Tim. 1:18), and with John, who rejoiced over those whom he called his children (3 Jn. 4). Like them, let's live, talk, and love in a way that points everyone - especially our children - to Jesus. Author: J. David Branon Whatever you write on the heart of a child Is written indelibly there; Each action and word makes an impact, you know, Like a kindness or beautiful prayer. - Henry G. Bosch THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ------------------- The greatest gift a parent can give is a worthy example. The Bible in One Year: Zechariah 11-14 ------------------------------------------------------------ Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. Written per- mission must be obtained from RBC for any further posting or distribution. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598- 7221 ------------------------------------------------------------