Document: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db931221.TXT ----------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Tuesday, December 21, 1993 --------------- Read: John 15:9-17 OUR UNFAILING FRIEND [Abraham] was called the friend of God. --James 2:23 As a young man, Joseph Scriven had been engaged to a woman he deeply love. But tragedy struck the night before their wedding when the boat she was in capsized and she drowned. In the hope of forgetting the shock, which he never did, Joseph left his home in Ireland and went to Canada. There he taught school and served as a tutor. He chose to live very simply, spending his money and strength in generously providing for destitute people. At times he even gave away his own clothing. He was considered an eccentric by some, yet all he tried to do was obey God's Word as best he could understand it. In his loneliness, Joseph Scriven needed a steadfast friend. Having found that friend in Jesus Christ, he wrote these simple words, which movingly express his experience: What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! Even if we have been blessed with deeply enriching friendships, we all need Joseph Scriven's Friend. But before we can know Jesus as our Friend, we must know Him as our Savior. Then, through all of our changing circumstances, He will be the One we can depend on -- our unfailing Friend. Author: Vernon C. Grounds THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: ------------------- Christ's friendship prevails even when human friendship fails. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Peter 3-5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. Written permission must be obtained from RBC for any further posting or distribution. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support come voluntarily from its Members and friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------