Object: Galaxy NGC 2563 Constell: CNC RA: 08h 20.6m Decl: +21° 04' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 12.2m (v) Size: 2.0'x1.7' Type: S0 Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 2./3.3.1994, 23.35 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.2m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3-4 Weather: No Moon, -21 °C. Somewhat below average for the site. Brightness: 4 Alt: 45° Description: Quite easy as the surface brightness is high. Suspected with 40x. 133x: Round, clearly contentrated. A mag. 15 stellar nucleus was blinking in and out near the limit of my skills with averted vision. The nearby galaxy NGC 2562 was not seen but something very, very faint was detected near its position with extreme averted vision. Another nearby galaxy, NGC 2560, was not looked for.