Object: Galaxy NGC 2545 + a suprise Constell: CNC RA: 08h 14.2m Decl: +21° 21' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 12.3m (v) Size: 2.0'x1.2' Type: (R)SB(r)ab Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 2./3.3.1994, 23.20 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.2m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 3-4 Weather: -20 °C, no Moon. Brightness: both 4 Alt: 45° Description: NGC2545: visible with 40x as a very small, round haze of even surface brightness. 133x: A high surface brightness core surrounded some much fainter glow, size about 1.5'x1'. PA of the core about 160°?. A 14m star is visible 1' NNE of the core. It it just outside the disk. The 2nd neby in the field: This object was not detected with 40x when I star-jumped to this field but after seeing it with 133x it was evident with 40x as an almost stellar round spot next to -45. 133x: Round, diam. about 40''. Quite concentrated but no stellar nucleus. While observing I classified this as an unusually bright non-ngc galaxy since I was using Uranometria 2000.0 which has only a few ugc- et.c. galaxies plotted. (I've added a few thousands to my own...) So I calmly moved on to the next object on my list. The next morning (not very early though...) I took a closer look on the observations of the night and classified this one as needing some further investigation. Unfortunately enough I didn't have my portable computer with Megastar with me. (My family has a summer cottage in Hartola, which is almost a perfect (by Finnish standards) dark sky site.) After a week or so I finally had the opportunity to check the field against Megastar. To my suprise no additional object was visible here and surely a galaxy this bright and large had to be catalogued in mcg, ugc, cgcg or at least in PGC. But no. At this point curiosity was rising to an unhealthy level but I had no idea where to look next. (I didn't have access to internet then) A few days later I was suddenly hit by a terrible thought: a comet! MY comet. And as 1« weeks had passed I would never be able to find it again if it really was one... I rushed to the phone and called mr. Arto Oksanen, who has a impressive collection of astronomy-related software (and who was the president of the local astronomy club, Jyv„skyl„n Sirius). "Hi!. Could you please check if any comet was near the position 08h 14m, +21° 1« weeks ago." Arto: "It's 1 o'clock in the morning!" "I know" Arto: "OK." A 15 minutes the phone rang and the case was solved: The periodic comet Schwassman-Wachmann 2 had been within 2 arc seconds of the coordinates I've given! (not bad as the coords have been measured on a drawing...). An additional point of interest was the motion of the comet had been only a few arcsec in a day(night) then. Even if I had checked the field the next night I could not have seen the movement. What I learned from this case is: 1. always check the field for additional objects whether there should be any or not. 2. If something out-of place is seen check it as quickly as possible. 3. Accurate drawings can make the difference between finding a new (or an old) comet and missing it.