Object: The Twin Clusters NGC 869 & 884 Constell: PER RA: 02h 19.0m Decl: +57° 09' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 4.3m/4.4m Size: 30'/30' Type: I 3 r/ I 3 r Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Jyväskylä, Finland Date/Time: 20/21.2.1992, 21.00 Telescope: 205/1000 N Magn: 63x Filter: Field: 60' NE Lim.mag: 5.0m Background sky: 4 Seeing: 3 Weather: Bright aurorae. Brightness: 2,2 Alt: Description: H and Khi Persei. About everything worth saying is said about this pair. One of the most impressive sights of the sky in good conditions and beutiful even in mediocre weather like this. NGC 869 is more compact and includes a very high density clump near the core. In a very rich field. After many months I got bad enough weather to draw these clusters :-)