Object: Galaxy NGC 524 Constell: PSC RA: 01h 24.8m Decl: +09° 32.3' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 10.2m (v) Size: 2.8'x2.8' Type: SA(rs)0+ Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Helsinki, Finland Date/Time: 8./9.11.1996, 21.45 Telescope: C 200/2000 Magn: 160x Filter: Field: 19' NE Lim.mag: 5.8m Background sky: 3-4 Seeing: 3 Weather: +0 °C, no Moon. Dew on the corrector lens :-( Brightness: 3 Alt: 40° Description: Round and bright. A 30'' core surrounded by a much fainter halo. No stellar nucleus.