Object: Open cluster IC 2602 Constell: CAR RA: 10h 43.2m Decl: -64° 23' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 1.6m Size: 49' Type: I 3 r Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: LaSilla, Chile Date/Time: 23./24.11.1993, 02.25 Telescope: B 9x25 Magn: 9x Filter: Field: 4.5° NE Lim.mag: 6.0m Background sky: 1-2 Seeing: 0-1 Weather: 3/4-Moon setting NW. Still marvelous compared with Finnish weather. Brightness: 1 Alt: Description: Easily visible with NE; A beautiful cluster even with small binoculars, embedded in the bright sourthern Milky Way. About 15 stars surrounding a vB central star. Irregular. A clump of four bright stars on the E edge. Size about 0.8°=50'.