Object: Galaxy IC 10 Constell: CAS RA: 00h 20.4m Decl: +56° 18' Epoch: 2000 Mag: 11.8m (b) Size: 6.3'x5.2' Type: IBm ? Observer: Jere Kahanpää Obs. place: Hartola, Finland Date/Time: 23./24.8.1996, 01.15 Telescope: N 205/1000 Magn: 133x Filter: Field: 22' NE Lim.mag: 6.2m Background sky: 2 Seeing: 2-3 Weather: +9 °C, no Moon. Brightness: 5 Alt: 75° Description: Very faint, visible only with averted vision. An amorphous glow, about 3.5'x2.7'. No edges - brightness fall slowly outwards. More difficult than the nearby reflection nebula vdB 1.