# MacMS Prefs - # # This file has both system and user preferences. # Lines beginning with "#" are comments and ignored. # All other lines are "set commmands" of the form # setsys # setusr # # System portion first # ALL of the following are REQUIRED # # Rules for time zone and daylight savings time # Known Rules are: # NONE You don't have daylight time # USA United States of America # AUST Australia # WET Western European # MET Middle European # EET Eastern European # CAN Canada # setsys daylight-rule USA # # One can use the hours offset East(+) or West(-) from Greenich. # For Stanford that would be # setsys time-zone -08:00 # and is equivalent to PST # except the time zone will be GMT rather than PST/PDT. # # Known time zones are: # PST Pacific Standard Time # MST Mountain Standard Time # CST Central Standard Time # EST Eastern Standard Time # GMT Greenich Mean Time # # # setsys time-zone PST # # SMTP parameters: These are the hosts through whom you can # send mail. It is a good idea to put the preferred host first, and # to also place this hosts address translation in the Hosts table # # setsys smtp-hosts sumex-aim.stanford.edu, jessica.stanford.edu # # The host from Whom all mail appears to be sent. # All mail will appear to be from you@this.host since you do NOT # receive mail on your mac. In the KSL we use setsys from-host sumex-aim.stanford.edu # # imap version. Some clients cannot use version 4.0 because # it has special protocol extensions. MacMS can. setsys imap-version 4.0 # # NONE of the following are required # # Currently only three mail boxes are accepted. This will be # generalized in the future. These will be the mail boxes # automatically appearing in the "open mail box" dialog. INBOX # defaults to the users home mail box. This is determined by the # imapserver. # setusr mail-boxes {sumex-aim.stanford.edu}inbox, {knife.stanford.edu}inbox, {safe.stanford.edu}inbox # # Your personal name for outgoing messages # setusr personal-name Bill Yeager's Mac # # This will place user on the cc list when answering # messages using the "answer" command if true # setusr reply-to-me false # # Default cc list - always carboned copied on every # message. Must be a valid mail box # This is a comma separated list. Right now there # is a max of 10 entries. # # Mail-Address := rfc822 mail address # Mail-address-list := # | , # setusr default-cc Mail-address-list # # Ditto for bcc setusr default-Bcc Mail-Address # # Time out in seconds for background checks. 30 seconds is the # minimum setusr mail-check 120 # # Whether or not to BEEP! when new mail arrives # setusr beep-new-mail false # # set the following to true if you wish to confirm each message # you send # setusr confirm-send false # # Legal Fonts: # Font Courier Monaco # Face plain bold # Size 9, 10, 12, 14 # # Default Font for any not set below setusr default-font courier setusr default-font-face bold setusr default-font-size 10 # # Comment out or remove the following font defintions if you do # not wish to override the above. # # Composition header and text pane font defintions setusr header-font monaco setusr header-font-face bold setusr header-font-size 9 setusr text-font monaco setusr text-font-size 9 setusr text-font-face bold # # BROWSER font definitions setusr browser-font monaco setusr browser-font-face bold setusr browser-font-size 9 # # READER font definitions setusr reader-font courier setusr reader-font-size 10 setusr reader-font-face bold # # STATUS font definitions setusr status-font courier setusr status-font-size 9 setusr status-font-face bold