From: Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 16:21:03 -0500 (EST) Subject: Clarification to NR 1996-124 Pastor George Vander Weit, stated clerk of Classis Lake Erie, has called my attention to a change in the order of his quotes which he believes misrepresents his intent, although he confirms the accuracy of the quotes. Pastor Vander Weit wishes to make clear that he disagrees with the 1996 synodical decision regarding requiring all members of the CRC's homosexuality study committee to concur with the official 1973 CRC position but does not disagree with the board of trustees vote to implement the decision of Synod 1996. Due to the sensitivity of this matter, editors carrying the story are requested to carry the following section in place of the original section reporting the quotes by Vander Weit. Regards, Darrell Todd Maurina _________ When asked about Bergman's termination Pastor George Vander Weit, stated clerk of Classis Lake Erie which has submitted overtures asking synod to respect denominational diversity in such areas as ethnicity, gender, and theological orientation, said, "Synod specifically indicated that it wanted people on that committee who agreed with the 1973 decision." "If this guy couldn't assent to Synod 1973 the Board of Trustees had no choice but to say he couldn't serve," said Vander Weit. "The Board of Trustees can only carry that decision out." When asked about the synodical decision itself, Vander Weit said, "I think it's the wrong decision but I already said that on the floor of synod. I said about Jim Lucas, quoting your news article, 'I think it's very valuable to have him on the committee if we're really serious about being sensitive to the struggles of homosexual members.' My position hasn't changed." "We make wonderful claims about our desire to ascertain truth and then we make sure that we exclude from our committees those who see things differently than we do," said Vander Weit. "We like to say that we can accomplish the very same thing by interviewing people, by calling them in for an interview, and that was said on the floor of synod, and that is helpful, but it's better to have a person like that in the committee itself for the give-and-take of the committee and to correct or at least to voice his opinion on things that are being said rather than hauling him in after the committee has more or less made up its mind." __________ The original section which this replaces is as follows: News of Bergman's termination didn't sit will with Pastor George Vander Weit, stated clerk of Classis Lake Erie which has submitted overtures asking synod to respect denominational diversity in such areas as ethnicity, gender, and theological orientation. "I think it's the wrong decision but I already said that on the floor of synod," said Vander Weit. "I said about Jim Lucas, quoting your news article, 'I think it's very valuable to have him on the committee if we're really serious about being sensitive to the struggles of homosexual members.' My position hasn't changed." "We make wonderful claims about our desire to ascertain truth and then we make sure that we exclude from our committees those who see things differently than we do," said Vander Weit. "We like to say that we can accomplish the very same thing by interviewing people, by calling them in for an interview, and that was said on the floor of synod, and that is helpful, but it's better to have a person like that in the committee itself for the give-and-take of the committee and to correct or at least to voice his opinion on things that are being said rather than hauling him in after the committee has more or less made up its mind." Nevertheless, Vander Weit said Bergman's termination may have been inevitable. "Synod specifically indicated that it wanted people on that committee who agreed with the 1973 decision," said Vander Weit. "If this guy couldn't assent to Synod 1973 the Board of Trustees had no choice but to say he couldn't serve. The Board of Trustees can only carry that decision out." ------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-124a.txt .