NR #1996-083: Synod Provisionally Adopts Guidelines on Handling Abuse In recent years, the Christian Reformed denomination has been confronted with a wave of abuse cases, prompting an increasing number of pastoral depositions and even several threatened lawsuits against the denomination. In response, the CRC hired Beth Swagman of Bethany Christian Services as the denomination's first full-time director of abuse prevention. However, Swagman's work has been delayed by allegations that the draft abuse prevention guidelines violated the denominational church order, Canadian and United States civil law, and biblical principles of due process. To avoid a protracted debate and possible delayed adjournment of synod, the synodical officers recommended that the revised guidelines be provisionally adopted by synod but recommited to the pastoral ministries board "for their refinement, with a view to having the pastoral ministries board present a final set of proposed guidelines to the churches by September 15, 1996, for study and response to Synod 1997 by means of overtures." NR #1996-083: For Immediate Release Synod Provisionally Adopts Guidelines on Handling Abuse by Darrell Todd Maurina, Press Officer United Reformed News Service GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (June 19, 1996) URNS - In recent years, the Christian Reformed denomination has been confronted with a wave of abuse cases, prompting an increasing number of pastoral depositions and even several threatened lawsuits against the denomination. In response, the CRC hired Beth Swagman of Bethany Christian Services as the denomination's first full-time director of abuse prevention. However, Swagman's work has been delayed by allegations that the draft abuse prevention guidelines violated the denominational church order, Canadian and United States civil law, and biblical principles of due process. Classis Lake Erie - not normally viewed as unfriendly to women's issues - has objected for over four years to various provisions of the guidelines and the committee report that preceded Swagman's appointment. This year, synod received an overture from Lake Erie noting that "members of the denomination have repeatedly asserted that the adopted guidelines do not provide basic justice for alleged perpetrators." On the last day of synod, the delegates dealt with a thirteen page report from its advisory committee on pastoral ministries recommending major amendments to the guidelines. To avoid a protracted debate and possible delayed adjournment of synod, the synodical officers recommended that the revised guidelines be provisionally adopted by synod but recommited to the pastoral ministries board "for their refinement, with a view to having the pastoral ministries board present a final set of proposed guidelines to the churches by September 15, 1996, for study and response to Synod 1997 by means of overtures." The recommendation didn't sit well with Swagman. "If we say these guidelines are provisional, that means we are saying there is something wrong with them and that means the whole process of training comes to a halt," said Swagman. "This is a document that was formulated in response to the fact that we have people out there, perhaps even people on this floor, who are suffering from abuse." Rev. Bart van Eyk of San Diego (CA) CRC said he could not vote for the guidelines as presented. "You wouldn't go up on the pulpit with a provisional half-finished sermon," said van Eyk, receiving unexpected laughter from the delegates and audience. Pastor George Vander Weit, stated clerk of Classis Lake Erie, warned about unresolved legal issues. "We ought to pay attention to what our legal counsel tells us and it is a concern that we haven't heard from our Canadian legal counsel," said Vander Weit. However, Swagman repeated her concern that the training of abuse response teams could not continue without formally adopted guidelines. "I think I would be taking an enormous risk for me to go out and do training and then have people two months, four months, eight months from now to say this isn't what we wanted pastorally and legally," said Swagman. CRC executive director of ministries Dr. Peter Borgdorff came to Swagman's defense. "We would vigorously defend her against allegations that she should not have used these guidelines in training, and if anyone here has a different understanding, today would be a good time to clear that up," said Borgdorff. After further debate, synod president Rev. John Van Ryn directed that a motion to declare "that the director of abuse prevention be permitted to use these provisionally-approved guidelines in her work" be included in the decision of synod. Synod then passed the recommendation of the officers by voice vote. Cross-References to Related Articles: #1994-032: Blue Ribbon Panel Discusses Women in Office at CRC Synod; Abuse Prevention Coordinator Position Created; Retiring General Secretary, Financial Coordinator Honored #1994-037: Of Garages, Houses, and Women: Synod Keeps "Expounders" and Appoints Committee to Decide What "Expounding" Means; Synod Cites Legal Concerns in Modifying Abuse Committee Report; "Reaffirmation" of Past Decisions on Inerrancy, Creation, Homosexuality Declared Unnecessary by Synod #1995-064: "The Church Needs to be Cleansed": Synod Approves Guidelines for Abuse Allegations Against Church Leaders Contact List: NOTE TO EDITORS: Most synodical delegates are staying on the campus of Calvin College. To reach delegates in their dormitory rooms during Synod 1996, expected to adjourn on or before June 20, call Calvin College at (616) 957-0000 or contact the synodical news office at the following numbers: Synod News Office: Press Officers Rev. Robert De Moor and Rachel Boehm Van Harmelen O: (616) 957-8652 * F: (616) 957-6469 Pre-Recorded Synod News Hotline: (616) 224-0841 or toll-free (888) 277-9663 Dr. Peter Borgdorff, Executive Director of Ministries, Christian Reformed Church 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560 * O: (616) 246-0832 * H: (616) 957-3288 Wietse Posthumus, Canadian Legal Counsel, Christian Reformed Church in North America c/o First CRC, 63-67 Taunton Rd., Toronto, ON CANADA M4S 2P2 * O: (416) 481-4912 Ms. Beth Swagman, Abuse-Prevention Director, Christian Reformed Church in North America 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560 * O: (616) 246-0735 * FAX: (616) 246-0834 Pastor George Vander Weit, Stated Clerk, Classis Lake Erie 2901 Waterloo Dr., Troy, MI 48084 * O: (810) 645-1990 * H: (810) 649-5388 * E-Mail: Rev. Bart van Eyk, Pastor, San Diego Christian Reformed Church 6710 Shannon Ave., San Diego, CA 92115 * O: (619) 469-5218 * H: (619) 460-4466 Rev. John Van Ryn, President, Synod 1996 of the Christian Reformed Church 7734 Eastern Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 * O: (616) 698-7930 * H: (616) 698-7884 ------------------------------------------------ file: /pub/resources/text/reformed: nr96-083.txt .