---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute. ---------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be altered or edited in any way. It may be reproduced only in its entirety for circulation as "freeware," without charge. All reproductions of this data file must contain the copyright notice (i.e., "Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute"). This data file may not be used without the permission of the Christian Research Institute for resale or the enhancement of any other product sold. This includes all of its content with the exception of a few brief quotations not to exceed more than 500 words. If you desire to reproduce less than 500 words of this data file for resale or the enhancement of any other product for resale, please give the following source credit: Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute, P.O. Box 500-TC, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "Understanding the Lordship Salvation Controversy" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 6, 1989, page 3) by Bob Lyle. The editor of the Christian Research Newsletter is Ron Rhodes. ------------- _What must I do to be saved?_ The answer to this question is so controversial that it has divided some quarters of evangelical Christianity into warring factions. The issue involved is the nature of salvation and saving faith: What _is_ saving faith? What does it mean to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior? How much must one surrender to the Lord at the time of salvation? What are the fruits of repentance? "Lordship salvation" advocates say that in order to be saved, one must not only believe and acknowledge that Christ is Lord, but also submit to His lordship. In other words, there must be -- at the moment one trusts in Christ for salvation -- a _willingness_ to commit one's life absolutely to the Lord, even though the actual _practice_ of a committed life may not follow immediately or completely. Non-lordship proponents argue that such a pre-salvation commitment to Christ's lordship compromises salvation by _grace._ The present debate is largely due to the publication of John F. MacArthur, Jr.'s _The Gospel According to Jesus_ (Zondervan, 1988). According to an article by S. Lewis Johnson in the September 22 edition of _Christianity Today,_ this book has produced "an explosion of comment, discussion, and feisty debate." MacArthur, Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church and president of The Master's Seminary (both in Sun Valley, California) is a lordship salvation advocate. He wrote his book in response to (among others) a 1981 book by Zane C. Hodges entitled _The Gospel Under Siege_ (Redencion Viva). Hodges, former professor of New Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, espouses the non-lordship view, and argues that much evangelical gospel-preaching is guilty of compromising the grace of the gospel. Hodges followed MacArthur's book with still another book entitled _Absolutely Free_ (Zondervan, 1989). Another scholar responding to MacArthur's book is Charles C. Ryrie (of _The Ryrie Study Bible_ fame). Ryrie recently published _So Great Salvation_ (Victor, 1989) in which he strongly affirms the non-lordship position. According to Ryrie, the non-lordship position states that accepting Jesus as Lord does not refer to a subjective commitment to Christ's lordship in one's life, but rather a repentance (or changing of one's mind) about one's ideas of _who Christ is_ (i.e., He is the Sovereign and God) and exercising faith in Christ. Ryrie argues that repentance from sin is what _follows_ in the Christian's daily walk with the Lord. Much confusion has overshadowed this controversy because of the lack of precise definitions of key words (although Ryrie does provide some working definitions in his book). Neither side is saying that salvation is by works. Both affirm the clear teaching of Scripture that salvation is a gift freely given by God to man. Nor is either side advocating "easy-believism," a term coined by Lordship proponents to describe the idea that one receives salvation by simply giving intellectual assent to a set of doctrines. The debate will no doubt continue. It is important, however, that in future discussions of this issue, a clarification between the _act_ of justification and _process_ of sanctification be maintained. _Justification_ is the judicial declaration by God that the believer has a righteous standing before Him. This takes place the moment a person receives Jesus as his or her Savior by appropriating Christ's redemptive work on the cross. _Sanctification_ is the lifelong work of the Holy Spirit which conforms the believer into the image of Christ. Martin Luther once said that "Faith alone justifies, but not the faith that is alone." "Works," Luther said, "are not taken into consideration when the question respects justification. But true faith will no more fail to produce them than the sun can cease to give light." Our responsibility as Christians is to present the claims of Christ to a lost and dying world. We may rest secure in the fact that a person's acceptance of the Gospel will result in the fruit of repentance -- but this is the work of the Holy Spirit, not man. ------------- End of document, CRN0015A.TXT (original CRI file name), "Understanding the Lordship Salvation Controversy" release A, March 21, 1994 R. Poll, CRI (A special note of thanks to Bob and Pat Hunter for their help in the preparation of this ASCII file for BBS circulation.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- YOURS FOR THE ASKING The Christian Research Institute (CRI) -- founded in 1960 by the late Dr. Walter R. Martin -- is a clearing house for current, in- depth information on new religious movements and aberrant Christian teachings. We provide well-reasoned, carefully-researched answers to concepts and ideas that challenge orthodox Christianity. Did you know that CRI has a wealth of information on various topics that is yours for the asking? We offer a wide variety of articles and fact sheets free of charge. Our informative newsletter is freely available upon request as well. Write or call us today for information on topics of interest to you. Our first-rate staff will do everything possible to help you. Christian Research Institute P.O. 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