Document: pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl: ADD1-CRJ.TXT The following information has been provided with the newly released Christian Research Journal articles, CRJ0035A.TXT and CRJ057A.TXT noted below. These files represent new additions to the ICLnet directory since the initial upload of CRI files. Gary Bogart (April 16, 1994) (for Rich Poll: Systems Administrtor Christian Research Institute) --------------------------------------------- CRJ0035A.TXT The Christ of the New Age Movement "The Christ of the New Age Movement," Part One in a Two-Part Series on New Age Christology (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1989, page 9) by Ron Rhodes. CHRISTOLOGY,NEW AGE,CULT,CRI,JESUS,RESEARCH,THEOSOPHY,QUIMBY,MASTERS,AVATAR,KARMA,MEDIUM,METAPHYSICS,MONISM,ESOTERIC,ELIZABETH CLARE PROPHET,CHURCH UNIVERSAL AND TRIUMPHANT,I AM,NEW THOUGHT,UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY,UNITED CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE,ACOURSE IN MIRACLES,MATTHEW FOX CRJ0057A.TXT The Jesus of the New Age Movement "The Jesus of the New Age Movement," Part Two in a Two-Part Series on New Age Christology (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1989, page 15) by Ron Rhodes. NEW AGE,CHRISTOLOGY,JESUS,LOST YEARS,AQUARIAN GOSPEL,EDGAR CAYCE,SHIRLEY MACLAINE,CASTE,COSMIC CHRIST,JAINS,MONISM,SUTRAS,VEDAS,ZOROASTRIANISM, NICOLAS NOTOVITCH