_________________________________________________________________ CRI - Christian Research Institute: Unofficial Index Update (supplementing CRLST003.TXT) (March 18, 1995) _________________________________________________________________ The following indexes and digests files that have been added to CRI's FTP directory at ICLnet since CRLST003.TXT was last revised. This file essentially includes information about CRI publications that have been released through the "CRI Articles" mail reflector service. For a description of CRI Journal and CRI Newsletter ar- ticles appearing before 1995, please consult the file CRLST003.TXT, located in the following directory: /pub/resources/software/msdos/critext/filelist/ This document is divided into four parts: 1. Monographs, 2. Christian Research Journal, 3. Christian Research Newsletter, 4. BBS-FYI 5. general notes. Gary Bogart (ICLnet - NJB Reading Room) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1. Christian Research Institute - Monographs: _________________________________________________________________ File name: CRA0001A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/software/msdos/critext/CRA0001A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- The Gospel and Computer Technology Longer description: "The Gospel and Computer Technology" (transcript of the Christian Research Institute audio tape) by Walter Martin. This message was the keynote address at a national symposium by the same name held at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee on February 26, 1987. Key words: GOSPEL,COMPUTER,TECHNOLOGY,CRI,WALTER MARTIN,APOLOGETICS,CULTS,MISSIONS,CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE _________________________________________________________________ 2. Christian Research Journal: _________________________________________________________________ CRJ0036A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0036A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Review: Power of Myth, J. Campbell Longer description: "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers (Doubleday, 1988) (a book review from the Christian Research Journal, Fall, 1989, page 28, by Douglas Groothuis.) One of the surprise best sellers of the late 1980s, this book represents one of the most attractive packages for New Age philosophy yet published. Thinking Christians should be familiar with its content in preparation for dialog with those who are unaware of its conflicts with Christian faith. Key Words: JOSEPH CAMPBELL,BILL MOYERS,MYTHOLOGY,POWER,MYSTICISM,RELIGION,METAPHOR,POETRY,CONSCIOUSNESS,PLURA LISM,ARCHETYPES -- File name: CRJ0037A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0037A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Does Bible Teach 'Sola Scriptura'? Longer description: "Does the Bible Teach 'Sola Scriptura'?" (an article from the Viewpoint column of the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1989, page 31) by Kenneth R. Samples. Protestants have always held that the Bible should be our highest authority in matters of faith and practice. But does the Bible itself teach this doctrine? Ken Samples responds. Key Words: ROMAN CATHOLIC,PROTESTANT,BIBLE,AUTHORITY,DOCTRINE,CRI,MARTIN LUTHER,REFORMATION,SAMPLES,CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE -- File name: CRJ0038A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0038A.TXT Short description: Abortion Arguments: Appeal to Pity Longer description: "Answering The Arguments For Abortion Rights," Part One: The Appeal to Pity, (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1990, page 20) by Francis J. Beckwith. First of a series, this article was later revised, expanded and incorporated into the book _Politically Correct Death: Answering The Arguments For Abortion Rights_ (Baker Book House, 1993). Key words: ABORTION,RIGHTS,ARGUMENT,LOGIC,PITY,LAW,ROE,BECKWITH,CRI,CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE -- File name: CRJ0039A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0039A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Book Reviews: Prophecy, Cult Evang Longer description: "Book Reviews" (a column of the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1990, page 36) by Brian Onken and Ron Rhodes. Covering: (Summary Critique) *The Gift of Prophecy In the New Testament and Today* by Wayne Grudem (Crossway Books, 1988) *Evangelizing the Cults* by Ronald Enroth, Editor (Servant Publications, 1990) Key Words: SPIRITUAL GIFTS,PROPHECY,EVANGELISM,CULTS,WORLD RELIGIONS,CRI -- File Name: CRJ0040A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0040A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Gnosticism and the Gnostic Jesus Longer description: "Gnosticism And The Gnostic Jesus" (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1990, page 8) by Douglas Groothuis. "Is there anything of which one might say, 'See this, it is new'? Already it has existed for ages which were before us" (Eccles. 1:10). Such is the case with much "New" Age thinking. Douglas Groothuis demonstrates this as he examines ancient Gnosticism and the Gnostic Jesus. Key Words: GNOSTICISM,JOSEPH CAMPBELL,NAG HAMMADI,CARL JUNG,DEMIURGE,ESOTERICISM,GNOSIS -- File name: CRJ0041A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0041A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Orthodoxy & Heresy, Biblical Guide Longer description: "A Biblical Guide To Orthodoxy And Heresy. Part One: The Case For Doctrinal Discernment" (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1990, page 28) by Robert M. Bowman. Too few believers have found the middle ground between acceptance of heresy and "heresy hunting." By demonstrating the value of doctrine and providing clear definitions for _heresy_ and _orthodoxy_, Bowman answers both of these extremes. -- File name: CRJ0183A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/CRJ0183A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Who Is Behind the Jesus Seminar? Longer description: "The Seventy-Four 'Scholars': Who Does the Jesus Seminar Really Speak For?" (an article from the Book Reviews column from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1994, page 32) by Craig L. Blomberg. "Jesus only spoke 20 percent of the words attributed to Him in the Gospels, New Testament scholars now say." With headlines such as this, the national media have heralded the recent publication of _The Five Gospels_, a book by the "Jesus Seminar." Have new findings overturned the faith of orthodox Christians? No, repolies the author. Key Words: JESUS SEMINAR,SCHOLARSHIP,BIBLE,NEW TESTAMENT,HISTORICAL JESUS,LIBERALISM _________________________________________________________________ 3. Christian Research Newsletter: _________________________________________________________________ File name: CRN0014A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-nwsl/CRN0014A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- CRI in Sao Paulo, Brazil - History Longer description: "Project Brazil" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 6, 1989, page 8). Paul Carden, CRI's International Director, describes the occult bondage experienced by millions of Brazilians as the background to CRI's ministry in South America. Key Words: BRAZIL,OCCULT,SPIRITISM,UMBANDA,ROMAN CATHOLICISM,EVANGELISM,CRI -- File name: CRN0015A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-nwsl/CRN0015A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Understanding "Lordship Salvation" Longer description: "Understanding the Lordship Salvation Controversy" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 6, 1989, page 3) by Bob Lyle. The controversy has divided some quarters of evangelical Christianity into warring factions. The issue involved is the nature of salvation and saving faith: What _is_ saving faith? Key Words: LORDSHIP,SALVATION,CONTROVERSY,FAITH,REPENTANCE,GRACE,MACARTHUR,H ODGES,RYRIE,EASY-BELIEVISM,JUSTIFICATION,SANCTIFICATION -- File name: CRN0016A.TXT ICLnet Location: /pub/resources/text/cri/cri-nwsl/CRN0016A.TXT Short description: ---------------------------------- Personal Witness Training Longer description: "Personal Witness Training: Your Handle on the Great Commission" (an article from the Christian Research Newsletter, Volume 2: Number 6, 1989, page 4) by Hank Hanegraaff. Introduces an evangelism training program developed by Hank Hanegraaff. Key Words: PERSONAL,WITNESS,TRAINING,EVANGELISM,GOSPEL,MEMORY,TESTIMONY,DISCIPLESHIP -- _________________________________________________________________ 4. BBS-FYI: _________________________________________________________________ ICLnet location: /pub/resources/text/cri: Volume 2 (1994): bbsfyi2a-1.txt ........... Part 1 of BBSFYI2A.TXT bbsfyi2a-2.txt ........... Part 2 of BBSFYI2A.TXT bbsfyi2a-3.txt ........... Part 3 of BBSFYI2A.TXT bbsfyi2a-4.txt ........... Part 4 of BBSFYI2A.TXT bbsfyi2a-5.txt ........... Part 5 of BBSFYI2A.TXT Volume 3 (1995): bbsfyi3a.txt _________________________________________________________________ 5. Notes: _________________________________________________________________ Note: Again, for those of you who follow the CRJ file names sequence, the files will not always be released in sequence. Complications arise that prevent the files from being ready for release in the order their names were assigned. Rich Poll, CRI --------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/cri: CRLST003ad.TXT .