--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 5, No. 5 ERRATA April, 1995 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORRECTION: In the most recent issue (v5n5) of _Life Communications_, we mistakenly reported that that ex-PA Gov. Casey is running for President. He spoke in Indiana on 6 April, and carefully avoiding giving a direct yes-or-no answer as to whether he will run. Please accept our apologies for this error. We will take better measures in the future to avoid such. Many thanks to reader Phil McLane for catching and correcting this rather serious blunder. Steve Frezza, Editor. The piece should have read: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Washington, DC* Presidential Hopefuls Political commentator Pat Buchanan and current California Governor Pete Wilson have announced that they will pursue the nomination for President for the Republican Party. Buchanan is staunchly pro-life while Wilson supports abortion in many circumstances. Similarly, pro-abortion Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination. On the democratic side, staunchly pro-life ex-Pennsylvania governor Robert Casey (D) is considering challenging president Bill Clinton for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. [Not an exhaustive list.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ To add some value to this note, here are some recent additions to the archives. These will be announced in a future newsletter. Ed. ] New On-Line Resources *Recent additions to our archives:* "A Protective Ring or Violence?" Discusses the 'escalation' of violence at abortion clinics, as well as the parallels between the pro-life movement of the 1970's and 80's and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. Brings up several examples of when pro-lifers went out of their way to _prevent_ violence. [ Ask for "ProtectiveRing.lii" ] "An Effective Pro-Life Response to Violence" Describes the success of Right-To-Life of Michigan, and their efforts to bypass the media bias and see that the pro-life response is strongly against violence. [ Ask for "ResponseToViolence.lii" ] "Hoechst's Connection to the Jewish Holocaust" Describes the historical relationship and modern parallels between Hoechst A.G. of Frankfurt, Germany and the I.G. Farben Company. Farben is infamous for manufacturing Zyklon B, the cyanide gas used in the Nazi death camps. [ Ask for "FarbenAndHoechst.lii" ] "Drug Induced Termination of Pregnancy with Mifepristone (RU 486) and Prostiglandin" An English translation of a German paper on Hoechst AG's position regarding the importation of RU486 into any country. It describes the mechanism by which RU486 works, some of the clinical experience, and then Hoechst's moral/ ethical framework for the abortion debate. An eye-opener into the defense of abortion by those who profit from it. [ Ask for "HoechstSpeaks" ] "A Permanent Hyde?" Editorial discussing the political parallels between January, 1995 and January, 1981, and the climate and usefulness for passing a bill permanently banning the use of any tax money for abortion in any federal program. [Ask for "PermanentHyde.lii" ] To request any of the above items, please send a list of items by title to the editor, eg.: "Please send v4n17, SciForLife.Jan94, WhyChristians". To obtain the current list of available resources, please ask for "v5Topics". These and other on-Line resources are also available via the World Wide Web at URL "http://www.pitt.edu/ ~stfst/pln/AboutPLN.html", or via anonymous from or in the directory "users/s/t/stfst/pln". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments and submissions should be directed to the editor, Steve Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor. For those on the web, there is a preliminary WWW page at --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News: pln-0505e.txt .