file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-v01index.txt ------------------------------------------------------------- _Life Communications_ On-Line Resource Files: These on-line resource files may be requested by contacting the current editor at . They are also available via , so persons interested may scan and collect backissues and papers at their leisure. To access the archive directories, use anonymous ftp to connect to and to . For those with access to AFS, the directory can be reached at . All backissues for volume 1(1991), volume 2(1992), and volume 3(1993), as well as some of the back issues for volume 4(1994) of _Life Communications_ (AKA the _ProLife News_) are contained in the corresponding subdirectories , , and . All special-topic papers are contained in the subdirectory . All files are stored in compressed (.Z) format, and each subdirectory has an non-compressed file that describes the contents of the files included in the directory. =============================================================================== ProLife News Index for Volume 1 (January - December 1991) =============================================================================== v1n1 ------------------------------------------------------ 103 lines The Bell Affair, from the Bernadell Technical Bulletin, Nov 1990 Talks about the unfortunate death of Becky Bell, who was claimed as a victim of parental consent laws. v1n2 ------------------------------------------------------- 49 lines News from February, 1991 Announcement, College ProLife Convention, Pennsylvania v1n2s ------------------------------------------------------ 58 lines 1991 Freedom of Choice act Arizona Gubernatorial Election News Announcement - 1991-1992 ProLife Resource Directory v1n3 ------------------------------------------------------ 130 lines Planned Parenthood Info Line Bills in Congress, March, 1991 the Underground ProLifer, Part 1 AT&T Thank You Number v1n3s ----------------------------------------------------- 139 lines ProLife Prisoners in Pittsburgh - request for letters Mark Nelson Mike Schmiedicke and Kevin Cleary v1n4 ------------------------------------------------------- 73 lines The Underground Prolifer, Part 2 v1n5 ------------------------------------------------------ 102 lines Excerpt from PSU Newspaper on Fetal Development Reader comments on "The Underground Prolifer" Feminist For Life bumpersticker v1n5s ----------------------------------------------------- 406 lines Why Doctors Do Abortions (From New Dimensions) Slogans as Powerful Marketing Tools Changing the Law on Abortion Deceptive Counseling v1n6 ------------------------------------------------------ 165 lines Nancy Beth Cruzan - starved to death. Uniquely Christian Stand on Abortion Life Chain Announcement v1n7 ------------------------------------------------------ 359 lines Planned Parenthood's roots What they [PP] say about themselves Title X Funding what's the world comming to? AMA's Call for Testing on RU-486 Reader's comments on Science and the Beginning of Life v1n7s ------------------------------------------------------ 73 lines Bills Before Congress - who to contact Title X Smith-Mollohan-Coats bill (HR1490) v1n8 ------------------------------------------------------ 197 lines California Coalition for Life announcement Vermont Abortion Supporters Claim Religious Descrimination Louisiana's New Law Title X Funding Western PA Announcement - Project Multitude Man Wins Fight to Keep Wife on Life Support v1n9 ------------------------------------------------------ 199 lines Title X Duplicity - by Richard Doerflinger (The Catholic Standard) First Annual African-American Pro-Life Conference [Announ.] Wonderdrug RU-486 - The Truth (An HLI Special Report) v1n10 ----------------------------------------------------- 304 lines The German Euthanasia Program (Excerpts from "A Sign for Cain") In The (Net) News... The Aquittal - a poem on healing the pain of an abortion (from pamphlet #906 by The Precious Feet People) Post Abortion Syndrome Seeking Other Ways to Use the Net - reader proposal Looking for Good Statistics - a request for info v1n11 ----------------------------------------------------- 162 lines National Life Chain - In The News - Teen sues over pro-life T-shirt ban From the Other Side - Why the church must be involved Pro-Life Speech Compettion [Announ.] College Pro-Lifers meet at CMU [Announ.] Ivy League Alliance for Life Conference. [Announ.] v1n12 ----------------------------------------------------- 202 lines National Life Chain - a reader's report Greater New York Life Chain [Announ.] Bay Area Life Chains [Announ.] Pittsburgh Life Chain [Announ.] Durham Life Chain [Announ.] Borked Again? - reader comments on the Clarence Thomas Nomination Reader Questions v1n13 ----------------------------------------------------- 204 lines Risk Assessment - the dangers of amneocentisis Aborted Babies as Pornography Confusion over Abortion Statistics Student Prolifers Gather in Pittsburgh [Announ.] George Grant Speaks [Announ.] Answers to reader questions... v1n14 ----------------------------------------------------- 235 lines Aborted Children as Pornography (followup) New York State Students for Life Convention [Announ.] Keeping Our Priorities Straight - a personal anecdote [Commentary] National Day of Student Protest [Announ.] Reflections on News Coverage Pro Life Computer Informational Services Network [Announ.] v1n15 ----------------------------------------------------- 306 lines AMA Ethics AMA Policy on Abortion - 1871 vs. 1970 Mandatory Pet Sterilization Life Chain Report - Nationwide and in SF. Reader Responses - Misrepresentation at Crisis Pregnancy Centers (Followup to "Personal Anecdote" in v1n14) Other Ways to Use The Net [Commentary] Reader Survey v1n16 ----------------------------------------------------- 269 lines The Underside of Euthanasia In The News... Initiatives 119 and 120 in Wa. State. Reader Commentary on "Death with Dignity:" ACL Northeast Regional Training Conference [Announ.] Feminists For Life (brief description) v1n17 ----------------------------------------------------- 246 lines An Unexpected Abortion Experience The Power of Mother-Child Bonding [Editorial] Books Worth Reading: "More Than Kindness" & "Third Time Around" What Works? (New Column) In The News (Follow up) Reader Question: Sources for Initiatives 119 & 120 v1n18 ----------------------------------------------------- 339 lines The Brave New World of Dr. George Tiller Focus on the Family - challenging anti-life attitudes What Works? - Practice Reader Responses - "An Unexpected Abortion Experience" v1n19 ----------------------------------------------------- 195 lines On Keeping Abortion "Safe" and Legal - examples What Works - Facts and History Upcomming Events Goodbyes v1Topics -------------------------------------------------- 161 lines Contains a listing of all of the articles by issue for volume 1 of the ProLife News. Nearly identical to this file. ======================================================================