file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-0119.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 1, No. 19 December, 1991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) What are we _really_ doing when we KEEP ABORTION SAFE AND LEGAL?? Dr. Abu Hyatt, a New York City abortionist, has been charged with performing an unsuccessful illegal late term abortion. The baby was born alive, but with her right arm severed by the abortionist, according to press accounts. The New York State law limiting late term abortions is probably unconstitutional--at least according to the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution - because in Row v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton the Court legalized abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy. However, the prosecution may be successful if the doctor didn't bother to go through the formality of pretending that the abortion was necessary to preserve the health of the mother. I am very interested to see how this turns out. He also has been linked to the death of a 17 year old girl who died as the result of a botched abortion. He also has been sued for malpractice by three women who claim he botched abortions he performed on them. He has no malpractice insurance and filed for bankruptcy after one suit was initiated. He is still practicing medicine. State health officials are reported to be planning to suspend his license without a hearing because of the imminent danger he poses to the public. The next time you hear someone say, "Keep abortion safe and legal" you might want to remember legal abortionists like Dr. Hayat. There are a lot of them. - Marty Helgesen -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- [This info also appeared in the New York Times (B2, 20.Nov.91)]: As a very few people seem to realize, abortion is illegal in NY State after 24 weeks. An operator of an abortion clinic in the Lower East Side (a poor neighborhood in Manhattan) was arrested on Tuesday [19 Nov] and charged with attempting to perform an illegal abortion. A doctor at Jamaica Hospital estimated that the woman had been pregnant for approximately 30-32 weeks, so that the abortion was illegal under NY State Law. The woman eventually went home after the abortion attempt, and later that evening went to Jamaica Hospital, where she gave birth to a baby girl. The NY Times quotes Detective Joseph G. DeMartino as saying, "It is not a birth defect, the arm was severed." The Doctor received his medical degree from the University of Calcutta (in India). In a separate case, the Doctor was charged with Third Degree Sexual Abuse (fondling). If you want more specific information, find a library that gets the NY Times, and look up the article. (From a talk.abortion posting by David Olsen) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- When they say that abortion is safe in a hospital, please remember Marla Anne Cardamone. Miss Cardamone's 1989 death was listed as Septicemia due to an attempted abortion. Her mother is suing Magee's Women's hospital in Pittsburgh for "negligence, carelessness, recklessness or malpractice" on the part of the hospital and the doctors involved. Marla's psychiatrist warned her of possible birth defects due to the anti-depressant medication she was taking at the time she became pregnant. She opted to have an abortion, which was a urea-induced abortion. The child was killed was just over 17 weeks of age. She received the urea injection on August 15, 1989, and later that day an intraveneous infusion of Pitocin. She died the next day of a massive infection at age 18. Even in a hospital, abortion is not safe, even though it is legal. - Steve Frezza ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) WHAT WORKS a) FACTS Let's refer to the book titled, "Essentials of Human Embryology," by Moore, Keith L., published in 1988 by B.C. Decker, Inc. Library of Congress #87-72965. It is used as part of a study guide for the National Board Examinations (NBME) and/or for other comprehensive examinations. So, it is as credible a source as one can get, who is a layperson trying to understand human development. On page 2, Chapter 1, "First Week of Human Development," on the second paragraph, it says, "This fertilized ovum, known as a Zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being." What does this mean? That means that a human being begins at conception. Not before, and not after. This is a fact that you have to know in order to pass the test. It has been obviously disputed and settled. Quality of this life is irrelevant; s/he is a human being at conception. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- b) HISTORY Roe vs. Wade, thus, decides human rights by who is "normal." The lesson: normal is in the eyes of the beholder. It is an invidual belief which cannot be forced into law. When they try: 1) African-Americans aren't normal: Slavery, Jim Crow. 2) Retarded people aren't normal: German Euthanasia Program. 3) Jews and Gypsies aren't normal: Nazi Germany. 4) Women aren't normal: sex selection abortions. 5) The unborn aren't normal: Roe vs. Wade. 6) American Natives aren't normal: 17th-19th C. genocide. 7) The disabled aren't normal: Baby Doe and infanticide. Notice a pattern? When people decide who is not "normal," non-personhood results, and their lives are deemed of little value, (or of low quality). The killing soon follows. - Steve Chaney ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) UPCOMMING EVENTS: Carol Evrett will be speaking in Rochester around January 11, 1992. IVY LEAGUE CONFERENCE #3. Will be held at Brown University on February 28-29, 1992. The speakers will be (get this!): Carol Evrett, "What I Saw in the Abortion Industry", Mary Cunningham Agee of the Nurturing Network, and Helen Alvare (Cornell Law) spokesperson for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Life Issues. Smashing, huh? (fee unknown) Housing will be provided, and all are welcome, Ivy League or not! We don't have these conventions to be snobby, after all, just to make a statement that even at the nation's most prestigious schools there is an active pro-life voice. ACL (ANNUAL) CONVENTION on Jan. 17-19, 1992 in Washington, DC. Looks to be a good one with Helen Alvare, Dr. Jack Willke, Mrs. Judy Brown, and possibly Gov. Joan Finney, (D. KS), and others. ANNUAL PRO-LIFE RALLY in Boston on Sunday,, 15 MArch, 1992 somewhere in the center of Boston. (Its usually held at Fanuel Hall but they're renovating that place now, so who knows.) Call Mass. Citizens at 617-242-4199, ask for Anne to get the details. NEW YORK STATE (ANNUAL) RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE's CONVENTION - To be held April 4th in Rochester, with speaker Mary Ellen Bork and others. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) GOODBYE! My account is getting purged, so I thought that I'd send you one last farewell. Good luck in fighting for the life of all humans, born and unborn. Remember always that in our fight to save them we can never deny those who they depend on, and must give them as much protection as we give these children and as we give ourselves. We can only call ourselves "pro-life" if we fight for all life. Merry Christmas, and best wishes for the holiday season to you. -Rob Chesnavich, CMU Also leaving the net are Rose Recchia(Middlebury), Steve Chaney(USCS), Mike Arnum(Cornell) among others. Good Luck to y'all! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quote Of the Month: "Thereupon Mary set out, proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, where she entered Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leapt in her womb." - St. Luke, 1:39-40 [ Remember that immediately upon her arrival, Elizabeth and John the Baptist, (as yet unborn) were led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Mary as "The mother of our Lord" [Luke1:42]. Scripture scholars maintain that this journey is at best 8-10 days by foot, which implies that Jesus, still only several days old, still only several cells large, is proclaimed as the child of his earthly mother, Mary. God inspires even the unborn. Have a very joyful Christmas. - your editor, Steve ] end v1n19 ------------------------------------------------------------