file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-0110.txt --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 1, No. 10 September, 1991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission Statement: This newsletter is intended to provide short articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. It is also intended is to help improve the communication among pro-lifers, and provide a forum in which discussions can take place. It is issued at least monthly, as time and material permits. All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steve ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The German Euthanasia Program Excerpts from "A Sign for Cain" by Fredric Wertham, MD [ In these days of suicide machines and abortion pills, let us not erase from our cultural memory the events that began 52 years ago in Germany: That is that the German & Austrian Medical profession began executing mental patients because they were living lives "devoid of value." How often do similar words come from the mouths of those supporting abortion-on-demand: how "Pro-Lifers do not con- sider the quality of life after the child is born" as a recent newspaper article put it. So we may suppose that a life without a certain level of quality is thus devoid of value, and warrants destruction. How soon will the aged and infirm follow the path of the unborn who have no voice: be declared to have a life without value, and thus worthy only of extermination?? ] "In 1939, about 300,000 mental patients (according to some figures, it was 320,000) were in psychiatric hospitals, institutions, or clinics. In 1946 their number was 40,000. It was discussed during the project that 300,000 hospital beds would be made available by getting rid of mental patients... "What was (and still is) widely regarded as scientific writing prepared the way [for these murders]. Most influential was the book 'The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value', published in Leipzig in 1920. Its popularity is attested by the fact that two years later a second edition became necessary. The book advocated that the killing of 'worthless people' be released from penalty and legally permitted. It was written by two prominent scientists, the jurist Karl Binding and the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche. The concept of 'life devoid of value' or 'life not worth living' was not a Nazi invention, as is often thought. It derives from this book..." "Against this theoretical-intellectual background, mental patients were sacrificed in psychiatric institutions and in the name of psychiatry. From its very inception, the 'euthanasia' program was guided in all important matters, including concrete details, by psychiatrists...[as one opponent put it:] 'the patient is no longer a human being needing help, but merely an object whose value is measured according to whether his life or his destruction is more expedient to the nation. The physicians took over the function of judge over life and death...'" "In 1940 the program started when mental patients were gassed to death and then burned. In 1941 the gassing was discontinued. Beginning in 1942 the patients were killed with lethal doses of morphine, scopolamine, Veronal, and chloral. In 1944 foreign slave laborers from the camp were also admitted to th e hospital and killed in the same way... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2) In The (Net) News... Did you catch the posting in the usenet news concerning a trick some groups are pulling to support abortion? What they have done is to get several jokesters together to get pledges in support of a protest picketing a Planned Parenthood building. Pro-lifers pitch in and donate their hard earned money believing that they are giving to a worthy cause. When the date for the protest comes, the picket signs arrive complete with pro-choice thank-you messages thanking the pro-lifers for supporting their pro-choice organization. - Submitted by subscriber Dan Dick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (3) The Acquittal - God's Infinite Mercy by Karen Sullivan-Ables In a far away place and a different time I killed my first child, a heinous crime. The state didn't come and I didn't stand trial. Judge Blackmun was calm when he said with a smile, "Killing is legal, say we the High Court. but don't call it murder, just call it `abort'." The Judge in my heart would not let the case rest. I had no defense when once put to the test. Found guilty I was by my heart's Supreme Court. "You murdered your baby!" they screamed in retort. With tears on my cheeks it was too late, I knew to bring back the life that of the child I once slew. The gavel slammed down and it rang in my head, "You are guilty as charged, and deserve to be dead." "We now give you torment to pay for your sin," was the sentence passed down from my own court within. "You will never escape. You're branded. Don't hide. Your just due is death. You should try suicide." I was beaten in prison by daily attack. I was paying a debt, so I never fought back. No hope of escaping, and this I knew well. I cried out to God from my own self-made hell. That day I met Jesus; He smiled in my face. He said "I forgive you. Come walk in My Grace." "Lord, I believe You forgive me and yet, Blameless You are. Can You pay for my debt?" "And Lord, please don't touch me for I am unclean. I'm filthy with murder, a most wretched being." I poured out my story. He showed no surprise. I gazed up with awe at the love in His eyes. He said, "I paid for your crime, yes was nailed to a tree. There's no condemnation if you'll trust in Me. I took on your blame, and your curse on My soul so you may be free without judgment, and whole." I sputtered, "Dear Lord, where's the justice in this? I killed my first son, and You offer me bliss?" Tears blurred my vision, yet there in His face were eyes of compassion, blue oceans of grace. I thought to myself, "Now the past has been buried? I'm free of the guilt that for years I have carried?" He said to accept. It's a gift that is free. This is atonement, not justice for me! My judge was dismissed, my accusers and jury. The Truth of His love made them leave in a fury. He smiled, "Walk with Me and come learn My way," and grasping His hand I began a new day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (4) Post-Abortion Syndrome "Among the most common symptoms experienced by women who seek counseling [for post-abortion trauma] are: low self-esteem, anger, guilt, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, extreme moodswings, a need to compensate for the loss of their child, drug and alcohol abuse, promiscuity, frigidity, numbness of feelings, hatred of self or of men, withdrawal, inability to sustain intimate relationships, unexpected emotional outbursts, suicide attempts [especially on the date her baby was due]. Physical symptoms include nervous itching or hives, headaches, back-aches, stomach or intestinal disorders. The list is far from complete. Repressed emotions may erupt wherever the woman is most vulnerable, physically or psychologically. Many factors determine the symptoms and their severity; no one experiences grief of loss in quite the same way. Our findings indicate that almost any kind of problem surfacing after an abortion may be directly or indirectly related to it, and therapy must include a healing of the abortion trauma. The crisis point occurs most often between 2-5 years after the abortion. For Some women, the crisis may come within months of the abortion -- for others repression may last 20-30 years or more..." Terry Selby, ACSW - Clinical DIrector of Counseling Associates of Bemidji, Inc.. [Let us not forget that for every one of the 1.4million+ abortions that will occur in the United States this year alone, there are two victims: One that is dead, poisoned or torn, and another who will bear the burden of that death for the rest of their life. That is over six million women in the last 5 years alone. How many of these have been helped? How many go untreated? As the years go by, the probability increases that some woman I talk to about abortion may have had one herself. ] Some numbers to call for those who need post abortion counseling, or information are: American Rights Coalition 800-634-2224 National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing (Milwaukee, WI) - (414) 483-4141 Lifeline Crisis Pregnancy National Hotline: 800-852-LOVE (800-852-5683) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (5) Seeking other ways to use the net... Some of our subscribers have recommended other ways to use the net: Currently, there are two forums in which those interested in life issues can communicate: talk.abortion newsgroup, which is a public newsgroup available to most everyone on the internet. This forum is an ideal place to hear the opposition's arguments, as that (from my perspective) is what the majority of the posts are about. The ProLife News, (this journal) which is a private letter distributed roughly every month, and focuses on news and items of general interest. What has been proposed is to have a set of addresses that any pro-lifer could mail to, with specific distribution responses: That is one address would result in a post to the talk.abortion newsgroup, another would submit an article for publication in the ProLife News, another might spawn letters to volunteers who are interested in more timely news. To do this would require someone with the privilege to control the mailer on an internet node. For example, there could be three addresses to mail to: -> directs the letter to talk.abortion -> directs the letter to the editor of the ProLife News (this journal) for publication -> directs the letter to a group of people (volunteers) who are interested in timely announcements. This could be a good source of advice for problems, sources of info, etc.. Of course, this is simply a proposal. At the moment, we have no such internet node to use, and besides lacking a volunteer to administer this program, we also are unaware of who would be interested in using such a system if created. If you are interested, or willing to host such a system, please contact either myself ( or Dan Dick( Of course, there could be lots of variations on this scheme, such as being able to send things to pro-life people in a particular area. Anyone interested in this idea or any variations on it? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (6) National Life Chain, 1991 On the first Sunday in October will be the first National Life Chain - This event will be in many cities accross the nation, in the early afternoon. Check your local Church or ProLife group for info - Just to encourage folk, here is a report from a Life Chain in Tuscon, Arizona: (Submitted by reader Suzanne Forgach) "On a Sunday in April of 1990, we had a Life Chain in Tucson also. It was magnificent. I had the opportunity to drive the length of it while people were setting up, on the way to my own parish's position, and it was _very_ impressive. We even had good press coverage that night! We had 5 miles of people lining both sides of the busiest E/W street in town, crossed with 2 miles people lining both sides of the busiest N/S street, for 7 full miles of people forming the cross of Christ, all holding the signs reading "Abortion Kills Children". We had an occasional bad reaction from people in traffic, but the thumbs up outnumbered the middle fingers by a long shot! "Anyway I am anxious to participate again, and I don't think I'm the only one in Tucson who does!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (7) Looking for good statistics... The following US statistics are being sought: How many children were aborted in 1973 & 74; (and racial breakdowns, if available) The % of the population that will enter college this year in the 17-18 age bracket (and racial breakdowns, if available) The number of college students who are expected to obtain abortions this year (1991). Thanks - Please send to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Quote of the month: "If the potential opponents are regarded as subhuman, as subpeople, their complete destruction becomes morally permissible and even necessary. We underestimate the absolute cruelty that can be engendered in this way and only this way." - Fredric Wertham, MD from: "A Sign for Cain: An Explanation of Human Violence" +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credits: | | 1 - "A Sign for Cain" from which the paperback "The German | | Euthanasia Program" comes was originally published in 1966 by | | the Macmillan Company of New York. | | 3+4 Pamphlet #906 "How to Survive Your Abortion," distributed by | | "The Precious Feet People," PO Box 730, Taylor AZ 85939 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is also encouraged to contact the editor. end v1n10