file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-0104.txt --------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 1, Number 4 April, 1991 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpts from a workshop given at a recent PaIFL Conference by Andy Sicree, a graduate student in Geo-Chemistry at Penn State University. This is part two of two parts. The Underground Pro-Lifer: What does a pro-lifer do if he or she cannot start or join a right-to-life group? How can the commuter, the night student with a regular job or family, the harried grad student, or someone bogged down with other commitments contribute to the pro-life cause? How can an "underground" pro-lifer - the lone operator - spread the pro-life message? Outside of student organizations, there are many things that you can do on your own. You could put up posters around campus, distribute pro-life literature in the dorm- itories (or to crowds at a basketball game or a religious service - you don't need but one or two friends to help), or keep a series of letters-to-the-editor on abortion or infanticide going all term. [Ed Note - if you want help writing/responding to letters, this is a good forum for support, as I can turn out "special issues" very quickly.] There are "underground" actions that can be done off-campus as well. Get on the mailing lists of pro-abort organizations like N.O.W., Planned Parenthood, the Religious Coalition for Abortion RIghts, Catholics for Free Choice, People for the American Way, etc.. You don't have to send them any money, just write to them and say that you are a college student who is "concerned about the right to choose" and that you are too poor to afford their publications. Usually they are only too eager to put you on their mailing lists. You'll get a fair amount of junk mail from them, but occasionally there will be a notice of an upcomming pro-abortion event - which you can attend and voice a pro-life viewpoint. These events are not always publicly announced. You can also counteract their letter- writing campaigns. For instance, if they are asking you to write to Congressman X to say that you support such-and-such a bill, you can write Congressman X to say that you oppose the legislation in question. Whenever I get sent any postage-paid return envelopes, I always write "STOP SUPPORTING ABORTION" on them and send them back. Recall all those postage-paid subscription-renewal cards that fall out of magazines? If you get one for a pro-abortion magazine, send it back too, bearing the inscription "STOP SUPPORTING ABORTION." Every little bit helps; pro-aborts need to see that there is substantial opposition to their philosophy. [ Ed. emphasis - every penny someone like Planned Parenthood spends at the post office is one less penny spent killing a child. ] I would caution, however, against vandalism, such as spray-painting pro-life messages on the walls. An occasional practical joke, like wiring your school's loudspeakers to broadcast pro-life messages during a home-football game might seem funny, but such jokes are often counter-productive. After all, the pro-life movement is dealing with very serious issues - life. Finally, it is important to remember that many people judge the pro-life movement by the _pro-lifers- themselves, rather than by their arguments. This is partly because many people think emotionally, rather than logically, and partly because pro-abortionists use the `argument' that all pro-lifers are really Archie Bunkers to _avoid the argument_ that unborn children are really people. As an underground pro-lifer, this can work in your favor, because you will be seen as an individual rather than as a member of a group. If you are courteous and charitable, as well as informed, you might find yourself winning converts (and lives)... even if you don't win all the arguments! - excerpted form "The College Right to Life Handbook" by Andrew Sicree. [ If anyone wants to get a copy of this book (It is intended as a primer for those trying to form pro-life organizations on college campuses), I know the author personally, and will get you a copy. steve ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget... Planned Parenthood info line: 1-800-777-1740. Call often, tell a friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------