file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-0102.txt --------------------------------------------------------- Life Communications - Volume 1, Number 2 February, 1991 On the American Front: January 22nd marked the 18th anniversary of the infamous ROE vs. WADE decision legalizing abortion during all nine months of pregnancy. The even was marked by yet another March for Life, attended by more that 25,000. Representative Robert Dornan (CA) compared the casualties of the then six-day- war in the Persian Gulf: US Casualties: 1 dead, 15 missing. In the same time 20,000 children perished in the abortuaries across the nation. To add some perspective to this comment, someone once said that "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." Would that we did not need to march year after year to protest the estimated 1.2 Million tragedies each year. Well - many must have heard that the State of Maryland recently passed their own pro-choice legislation, defending a woman's right to kill her preborn child, at least up to the time of viability outside the womb. There were several interesting additions to the bill, including parental notification for minors. The pro-life advocates have pledged a referendum to take the decision directly to the voters. ------------------------- Announcement !! ---------------------------- For any interested campus activists, the Spring, 1991 College Pro-Life Convention, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Federation for Life from March 15-17. It is sponsored by Ursinus Students for Life, and is being held at Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA (Near Philadelphia). Speakers include Moly Kelly and Michael McMonigle of Pennsylvanians for Human Life (Friday night) Doug Scott from the CAC on Planned Parenthood(Sat) and Fr. Michael Mannion on Post-Abortion Syndrome(Sun). There will be the usual set of workshops and discussions. Registration is currently $12. For more information contact: Emily Colehower (215)454-0446 Paisley 325 Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 19426 The Pa-IFL is a coalition of pro-life college students from campuses across Pennsylvania. Founded in 1982, the IFL has been dedicated to helping college students to stand up in the struggle against infanticide, "mercy" killing, and abortion-on-demand. They are noted for their experience in starting pro-life organizations on campuses, and have a quite a bit of supportive material including the very useful "College Right-To-Life Handbook." If you or anyone you know wants help in starting a pro-life group, please contact me (steve). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone who has news, or articles/comments please forward them. steve