file: /pub/resources/text/ProLife.News/1991: pln-0101.txt --------------------------------------------------------- Volume I No. 1 [ Recently, the NOW has been traveling about the country, showing a very fancy video drumming up support for the overturn of parental consent/notification laws in various states. The video focuses upon the tragic death of Becky Sue Bell, who has been nationally acclaimed as a victim of such laws, having died from a septic, illegal abortion. Her parents and friends speak in the video on the tragedy of her death, and how they wished she had not feared to tell them about the pregnancy - that the law caused her death in that she died from an illegal abortion. There is no medical evidence that such an abortion ever took place, nor that this was indeed the cause of Rebecca's death. ] -Editor- from the Bernadell Technical Bulletin, Vol2 No4, Nov 1990 The Bell Affair: We all regret the death of Rebecca Suzanne Bell, the 17-year-old young woman from Indianapolis who died on September 16, 1988. Her premature death has been ruthlessly memorilalized by abortion advocacy groups including Planned Parenthood and the Fund for a Feminist Majority. These groups have enlisted Rebecca's parents into appearing in, and traveling with a video condemning parental notification/consent laws as being responsible for Rebecca's death. Their claim is that if she had not been fearful of consulting with her parents regarding her pregnancy, she would not have sought an illegal abortion and would be alive today. If the following coroner's report is to be believed, then the entire story that the abortion advocates have created is replete with medical inaccuracies, and has been twisted to serve their needs. Unfortunately, this is not very surprising. Indiana has had a law requiring parental consent for abortion, with a judicial bypass provision. From the clinical material available it appears that Rebecca Bell became pregnant in mid-May 1988. Quoting from the report of Coroner Denis J. Nicholas, MD issued on 3 October, 1988: "She did not confide this information to her parents. According to her friend Heather Clark, Rebecca Bell told the father of the unborn child about the pregnancy and he broke off all contact with her in mid-July. Rebecca told Heather Clark that she intended to have an abortion. [She] also had a history of substance abuse for which she was hospitalized from mid-February through April 1988. Bell reportedly was at a party where various drugs were being used (cocaine, 'speed' and LSD) on the week-end of September 10-11. On Tuesday, September 13 she awoke with a headache, stayed home from school and developed an elevated temperature. She was somewhat improved on Wednesday but was found on Friday, September 16 when her father went home about noon and she was ill. He took her for an x-ray which showed pneumonia bilaterally. She was hospitalized where she went into cardiopulmonary arrest later that night." Her death was attributed to "septic abortion with pneumonia." In order to appreciate how fabricated, how medically unsound this diagnosis is, one needs to realize that to make a diagnosis of infected (septic) abortion severe enough to kill a woman one_must_ be able to demonstrate the presence of massive inflammation/infection in the uterus and pelvis...Further, there is virtually always evidence of instrumentation, ie. the marks of a surgical clamp on the cervix, ir evidence of a forceful dilation of the cervix (which would be especially noticeable in a 17-year-old who had never been pregnant or delivered a baby). There were no such findings: The autopsy on her body was carried out by Jesse C. Giles, MD, a pathologist in the Forensic Division of the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr. Giles made a post mortem examination of the reproductive organs of Rebecca Bell, and upon gross and microscopic examination of those organs found: A) There was no evidence of any inflammation or infection in any portion of the uterus tubes, or ovaries. B) There was no evidence of any inflammation of infection in the small amount of pregnancy tissue still present in the uterus. C) There was no evidence of any instrumentation anywhere in the female organs. D) All blood cultures were negative. E) There was no evidence of any peritonitis, a classic finding in any woman dying of an infected abortion. F) There were no septic emboli in the lung. In cases of severe infection, infection enters the veins, and produces abscesses (Not pneumonia) in the lungs. Thus in the Bell case NONE of these critical findings were made by the examining pathologist. Indeed, in a conversation with Dr. Giles on 4 October 1990, he confirmed that none of these essential findings were present at the autopsy. One also notes that Heather Clark, reportedly Rebecca's best friend (and seems now to have disappeared), as been quoted repeatedly as insisting that Bell never procured an illegal abortion, and that when she became ill with pneumonia, she had a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). This supports the findings in the autopsy. Rebecca Bell did not die from a septic (infected) illegal abortion as claimed. There is not one shred of credible evidence to support this claim. On the other hand there is a clear preponderance of evidence to hold that she miscarried her pregnancy owing to the high fever and toxicity from an overwhelming pneumonia. To those who have twisted the truth and convinced a set of grieving parents to turn this young woman into a martyr for abortion rights, I can say little short of holding them in complete contempt. How many shall listen to their story, and believe it? For more information (or a subscription to this journal) write: Bernadell Technical Bulletin, PO Box 1897, New York, NY 10113-0950 USA Any ideas for or further articles that you would like published are quite welcome. At present, there are ~20 names on the roles. steve