file: /pub/resources/text/Our.Daily.Bread: db940907.txt ------------------------------------------------------- OUR DAILY BREAD Wednesday, September 7, 1994 --------------- READ: James 3:1-12 "INCONSISTENT PRAYER" "Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing." James 3:10 One morning at the breakfast table a father asked God's blessing on the food as usual. In pious and exalted language he thanked the Lord for all His bountiful provisions. But when he started eating, he grumbled about the poor quality of the food and complained about the way it was cooked. His teenager interrupted him. "Dad," she bagan, "do you think God heard your prayer?" "Certainly," he replied confidently. "And did He also hear when you complained about the bacon and coffee just now?" she asked. "Why, of course!" he bellowed. "Then which of your statements did God believe?" The flush on his cheeks made it obvious that her discerning question had hit home. Too often our prayers are nothing more than empty rhetoric. We mouth beautiful words, but they seem to come from the top of our heads, not the bottom of our hearts. Many of our public prayers are pompous and wordy, and our private prayers are anemic and trite. We forget that what we say to God must be consistent with how we live. Let's shun the hypcocrisy of superficially thanking God while deep in our hearts we are dissatisfied with our blessings. Beware of inconsistent prayer. - Henry G. Bosch For words without the heart The Lord will never hear, Nor will He to those lips attend Whose prayers are not sincere. Burton THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ------------------- It's not enough to say a prayer -- we have to live it too. THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 23-25 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Our Daily Bread, Copyright 1994, used by permission of Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49555, USA. Written permission must be obtained from RBC for any further posting or distribution. RBC provides a variety of Bible resources, which are free of charge. RBC is not funded by any group or denomination, and support comes voluntarily from its Members and Friends. Write for more information, or call 1-800-598-7221. ------------------------------------------------------------------