Conceal identity of trader [731]
Usage:  BUY  <item> <qty> <price> <have-left> 1
        SELL <item> <qty> <price> <have-left> 1

This skill allows a trader to conceal his identity when
dealing with a market.  By working through middlemen and
employing shady contacts, the trader will not reveal his
identity to the other party to his transaction, or to the
market at large.

To use this skill, the trader should supply a "1" flag as
the fifth argument to the BUY or SELL command.  Note that
The first four arguments must be specified; use "0" for
have-left if it is to be left as the default.

For example, to conceal one's identity when selling 10
pots for 2 gold each, issue the order:

	sell 95 10 2 0 1

If the conceal trade flag is supplied, but the character
does not know 731, the BUY or SELL order will fail.