Collect rare foliage [704]
Usage:  COLLECT <item> [number] [days]
Time:   as given or necessary

The noble will seek rare foliage to collect.  See the COLLECT order
for details on the syntax of the arguments and an explanation of the
columns in the following table.

The followings kinds of rare foliage may be collected with this skill:

   num  item         who      where            qty  skill  chance
   ---  ----         ---      -----            ---  -----  ------
    64  lana bark    noble    circle of trees    3   704     50%
    65  avinia leaf  noble    mallorn grove      2   704     20%
    66  spiny root   noble    bogs, pits         4   704     25%
    66  spiny root   noble    swamps             1   704     25%